
Twin babies of Marta and Pindo 熊貓和瑪莎的龍鳳胎錄影

Twin babies of Marta and Pindo 熊貓和瑪莎龍鳳胎

The little boy likes to challenge 2 years old aunt: Ruby

Taffy (3/4 Kiko, 1/4 Nubian) is napping with hens


The little girl plays with my jacket 小羊玩我的夾克

Daisy enjoys a sunny day on the stump 黛西享受暖陽

The little boy loves to sith with 3-mo-old Cherry to chew the cud

Marta's 2-wk-old baby boy meets a year old sister Doma

Angel loves her straw bed天使喜歡她的乾草床

Playing on the rock羊寶在山岩上玩耍

Practicing fight on the rock小羊練習攀岩和角力

Baby goats 

Playing, eating and drink milk 羊寶快樂吃喝玩耍

Curious about everything小羊對所有東西都很好奇

Baby goats love to copy what 2-month-old purebred boar sister does小羊模仿兩個月大櫻桃小丸子的行為

Water is interesting, but not better than mom's milk

水好喝, 但媽媽的奶更美味 

3 kids play on the rock better than mom Apple

3 kids sleep on the table小寶睡在野餐桌上媽媽一旁守護

3 kids play on the picnic table 小羊兩小無猜的在野餐桌上玩耍

Apple eats grass like a cow蘋果媽媽像牛一樣吃草

Big sister Daisy meets her 7-day-old little brother

The 7-day-old little girl practices fighting with 2-mo-old Cherry

7 days old little girl knows me already一週大小羊撒嬌

Marta's baby girl meets 2-mo-old purebred boar Cherry

Hens love to play and eat with goats母雞愛跟羊寶一起吃和玩

The little girl loves to bit brother's ear, goes in/out the feeder bar, the boy tries salt-brick小母羊愛咬哥哥耳朵跳食槽, 小哥哥嚐鹽磚 

The little girl likes to jump in and out of the feeder bar

Baby girl loves to jump up and down小母羊喜歡跳進跳出

Marta's twin babies like to bit tail and play in and out the feeder bar

Twins copy what big sister Doma does雙胞胎模仿大姊姊小乖

Twins play on the picnic table雙胞胎在野餐桌上玩

Daisy is curious about the twin黛西對雙胞胎很好奇

Marta's twins play under the picnic table雙胞胎在野餐桌下玩

Goats take a nap together羊寶一起午睡

Twins play on the picnic table雙胞胎一起玩耍

Twins meet big sister Taffy雙胞胎和大姊姊太菲

Mom Marta is her baby boy's toy媽媽是寶寶的大玩具

5 days old baby boy tastes water 5 天大小公羊學喝水

3 days old twins play together 3 天大雙胞胎一起玩耍

5 days old baby girl yawning 5 天大小羊打呵欠 

Twin baby goats take a nap together 5 天大雙胞胎喜歡一起午睡

3 days old baby goat wants to learn drinking water 
3 天大羊寶想學喝水

3 days old baby girl c
hases hen 3 天大羊寶追雞

Deer comes to meet goats 小鹿快樂奔跑

Twin baby goats love to play under the feeder

Baby girl (7 lbs) Daisy drinks boar mom Marta's milk

Newborn baby boy goat (8.5 lbs) drinks mom's milk

Baby goats love to jump in and out the feeder羊寶愛跳高

Taffy is curious about 5 days old baby boy

3 days old twin baby goats call mom for milk
3 天大小羊叫媽媽要奶喝

Shiko and mom Cerah drink water 小可和媽媽一起喝水

3 days old twin baby goats play with a hay bag

Taffy's babies love to play with me 羊寶愛撒嬌

Twin baby goats play on the tree stump and drink milk


How to dry steam the mask 電鍋乾蒸消毒口罩

Video 影片:

Due to a shortage of masks, you can "dry steam" and reuse it about 2 more times. The virus can be killed over 56C (122F).

However, the function of the mask will be reduced by about 2% each time you dry steam. Therefore, not recommend doing this for more than 2 times.

How to dry steam your mask:
1. Rice cooker (Ta-Tung cooker that bought from Walmart online, or any cooker you have that can do the dry steam)

2. No water at all

3. put the steam rack (very important) into the cooker.

4. put the mask on a plate (not plastic ones) or in the inner pot.
Do NOT put the mask into the cooker directly. The high heat will melt the mask. Need rack and plate (or inner pot)

5. the side of the mask that touches your mouth should be face-up

6. cover the lid and push the button to start.

7. it will take about 2.5 minutes to complete the "dry steam"

8. After it is done, do NOT open the lid. Let it sit for another 5 minutes.

9. open the lid and pick the thread of the mask (don't touch the mask itself, very hot), put the mask on a clean paper towel to cool down.

10. Do NOT touch the plate and rack yet. VERY hot.
Remember, the dry steam will reduce the function each time. So, better not steam it too many times. Twice is maximum.