
Chinese Zither Guzheng Music & Lessons 古箏音樂和教學

©2023 Catherine Kerns all rights reserved.
For students to practice only. 
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供學生練習用, 版權所有, 請勿下載, 謝謝
Guzheng Music Videos 古箏音樂影片:
Guzheng Music Videos 古箏音樂影片:
Rafting Canal 清江放排
The Lapping Waves of Lake Honghu 洪湖水浪打浪
離騷 (古琴/敲擊) Departing (Guqin/Percussion)
Percussion Stomp (June 1997) 萬物敲擊樂 (鷹架, 廚房, 籃球, 汽油桶)
古箏教學 - 普通話/國語 (cc 中英字幕)
如何練雙手合彈 (示範: 豐收鑼鼓)
如何轉換節奏 (5 拍轉 3 拍轉 4 拍轉兩拍)
Guzheng Lessons  (Eng Sub):
Master Class: How to play Allegro well (PL)
Left-Hand Basic Skill: Vibrant (1)
Left-Hand Basic Skill: Vibrant (2)
小開手 Henan Style Basic Song
Grade 2 第二級:
East Loess Plateau Tune 隴東小調
學生作業 Ex3: 孟姜女 Lady Meng-Jiang (Da Xiao Cuo)
學生作業 Ex4: 彎彎的河水 Meandering River (Fa Ti)
Grade 3 第三級 :
小星星講解 (周望編曲)
Embroider a Golden Plaque 繡金匾
Great Unity 河南八板 (天下大同)
Labor is the Honor 勞動最光榮
Nanni Bay 南泥灣
Grade 4 第四級:
高山流水教學 (浙江) 1-18 小節, 19-96 小節, 96-147 小節
Lessons of High Mountain Floating Water (Zhe-Jiang) 
Three Variations of Plum Blossom 梅花三弄
Song of Yan Bian 延邊之歌
Grade 5 第五級:
High Mountain Floating Water (Henan Style) 高山流水 (河南箏曲)
教學: 高山流水 (河南) 1-4 小節; 5-8 小節; 16-22 小節, 29-72 小節
Lessons: High Mountain Henan Style Measure 1-4; M5-8; M16-22, M29-End
Glowing Red Morning Star Lilies 山丹丹花開紅豔豔
Song of Dong-Ting Lake 洞庭新歌
Song of Dong-Ting Lake Lesson 洞庭新歌 講解示範 (林玲)
Yao People Dance 瑤族舞曲
Yun Qing 雲慶
Embroidered Pouch 繡荷包
Grade 6 第六級 :
Spring to Lhasa 春到拉薩
Celebrating a Fruitful Year 慶豐年
Flower and Youth 花兒與少
Flower & Youth Lesson 花兒與少年 講解 (林玲)
Grade 7 第七級 :
Raining Night on Banana Panel 蕉窗夜雨
High Mountain Floating Water (Shandong) 高山流水 (山東箏曲)
Happiness Canal 幸福渠
Spring Stream 春澗流泉
Grade 8 第八級:
Spring Dawn of Snowmountain 雪山春曉
The Fragrance of Jasmine 茉莉芬芳
The Arranged Marriage of Xinyuan Chen 陳杏元和番
Erie Riverside 伊犁河畔
Crow's Sporting in Chilly Water 寒鴨戲水
Grade 9 第九級:
A General Order Lesson 將軍令 講解示範 (林玲)
Ode to Guizhou 黔中賦 (徐曉林曲 1987)
Ode to Guizhou 黔中賦  (林玲講解示範)
學生作業 Student Homework (10/28/23)
Student Homework 學生作業 (02/20/2023):
Student Homework 學生作業 (06/06/2022):
項斯華每日必彈 Daily Fingering Etude 59,  
Student Homework 學生作業 (03/05/2022):
項斯華每日必彈 Daily Fingering Etude
5963 (雙手正琶 Both Hands Arpeggio)
考級一 Grade 1 Ex4 滑梯 Slide