Chinese recipes 中西食譜
Baby Goats Videos 山羊寶寶錄影
Early Spring 2010 (March) 初春
剛過完中秋節的一個濃霧清晨 與羊兒在森林裡散步吃草
A foggy morning in the front yard 前山多霧的早晨
I take goats for a hike to the woods almost every morning. It is fun to watch them eat and play. I sometimes found deer tracks, a pile of animal poop, or a twig worm which is like the following video.
Twig worm 枯枝蟲You can hardly tell it is a worm when it doesn't move
A foggy morning in the front yard 前山多霧的早晨
I take goats for a hike to the woods almost every morning. It is fun to watch them eat and play. I sometimes found deer tracks, a pile of animal poop, or a twig worm which is like the following video.
Twig worm 枯枝蟲You can hardly tell it is a worm when it doesn't move
Lichen 是一種在空氣很乾淨的地方,才會長出的鬍鬚,羊兒非常愛吃,不過它通常都掛在高枝上,很難搆到
才入秋就下了一場半英吋的豪雨,喜歡溫暖乾燥的羊兒,一清早就叫我去幫她們打掃房間和吃早飯,因為下雨天她們比較喜歡呆在屋裡, 不愛入山
水啦! 真的很漂亮!