View of 4 seasons 山中景觀
Videos of Goats 山羊錄影
Property Development 買山容易養山難
How to clean a rice cooker 電鍋環保清潔法
Videos 短片:
Desserts: 甜點
Chinese Custard, Soy Milk, Blueberry Muffin, Cream Custard, Carrots Cake, Almond Banana Ice Cream Pie, Pumpkin Pie, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Oat Banana Muffin, Barley Mung Bean Soup, Yam/Sweet Potato Soup, Green Pea Cake, Buckwheat pancake, Blueberry Ice Cream, Raspberry and Banana Juice, Banana Bread, Sweet Fermented Rice, Yam Ginger Salad, Sticky Rice Cake,
Chinese Custard, Soy Milk, Blueberry Muffin, Cream Custard, Carrots Cake, Almond Banana Ice Cream Pie, Pumpkin Pie, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Oat Banana Muffin, Barley Mung Bean Soup, Yam/Sweet Potato Soup, Green Pea Cake, Buckwheat pancake, Blueberry Ice Cream, Raspberry and Banana Juice, Banana Bread, Sweet Fermented Rice, Yam Ginger Salad, Sticky Rice Cake,
蛋塔, 藍莓鬆糕、紅蘿蔔蛋糕、鮮奶酪、核桃香蕉冰淇淋派, 南瓜派, 手工巧克力桃酥餅乾, 燕麥香蕉鬆糕, 蔬果汁, 綠豆黃, 蕎麥鬆餅, 藍莓冰淇淋, 小紅莓與香蕉果汁, 香蕉麵包, 果乾堅果小甜點, 香蕉蕎麥鬆餅, 酪梨巧克力軟糖, 櫻桃雞,
Noodles: 麵食
Avocado Cold Noodle, Chinese Chives Flatbread, Vegetable Pancake, Stew beef noodle, Chinese dumplings, Won Ton Soup, Cranberry bread, Chinese Bread, Rice and/or noodles with beef tomato sauce, Cucumber Pancake, Enchiladas, Mashed Potato, Jerusalem Artichoke, Oatmeal, Zucchini Bread, Hooker corn tortilla, Buckwheat Banana Pancake, Avocado Fudge, Sticky Rice Dough-ball Soup,
Noodles: 麵食
Avocado Cold Noodle, Chinese Chives Flatbread, Vegetable Pancake, Stew beef noodle, Chinese dumplings, Won Ton Soup, Cranberry bread, Chinese Bread, Rice and/or noodles with beef tomato sauce, Cucumber Pancake, Enchiladas, Mashed Potato, Jerusalem Artichoke, Oatmeal, Zucchini Bread, Hooker corn tortilla, Buckwheat Banana Pancake, Avocado Fudge, Sticky Rice Dough-ball Soup,
Soup: 湯類
Bean Soup, Mung bean soup, Egg Soup, Bean Soup (English),Miscellaneous: 其他
Cold Dish/Millet, Sweetheart egg, Grilled Salmon, Green Salad, Salted Eggs, Chinese and Korean Kim Chi, Plum or Prune Wine, Hummus, Roasted Chicken, Steam Egg, Fresh Tomato Dressing, Sesame Dressing, Roasted Chicken, Cabbage Roll, Fried Tofu, Fresh Salsa, Vegetable and Fruit Juice, Egg Dumplings, Crispy Mushroom Custard, Cucumber cold dish, Cilantro Sauce, New Year Eve Dish, Spinach cold dish, Chili Sauce, Kraut, Chinese Chive fried egg, BBQ Drumstick, Pickled Garlic, Pickled Green Beans, Fruit and Nut Ball, Onion Juice for coughing, Cherry Chicken, Raspberry Dressing, Garlic Sauce, Avocado egg and potato salad