Soft Boiled Egg is also called "Sweet Heart Egg" in Chinese. Don't know if it means the egg is cooked for your sweet heart since it takes more time and energy :-)
The picture on the left side is of a Sweet Heart egg and the right side is a hard boiled egg.
Ingredients and utensils for cooking Sweet Heart egg are:
Room temperature duck (preferred) or chicken eggs (don't use eggs which have been chilled in the refrigerator), salt, white vinegar, ice cube water, strainer, thermometer, alarm, and egg cutter or a thread (Without an egg cutter, the thread can be used to cut the boiled egg as indicated in the photo).
Heat a big wok of water with a little bit of salt and vinegar (for softening the egg shell to easily peel). Heat water (the water must be enough to cover all eggs) till boiling. Put all eggs in the skimmer and put eggs in the boiling water at once (do not put the eggs in the water one after another). Remove skimmer, cover with lid, turn the heat to medium for 3 minutes.
Turn off the heat and leave eggs in the hot water for another 3 minutes.
Open the lid, put in the thermometer, add some cold water to lower the temperature to 72.5 C. Leave the eggs in the water for another 2 minutes.
Take the eggs out of the wok and put them into a big wok with ice cubs (the ice has to cover eggs) for 10 minutes.
Take out eggs, peel and cut each one into 4-6 parts.
My easy way is:
Put eggs in a sauce pan, cover them with water. Cook it until the water is boiling. Turn off heat. Pour out hot water, keep watering eggs with cold water until the eggs become cold. Serve it right away or leave them in the refrigerator.
糖心蛋 (左圖),其實就是蛋黃介於軟硬生熟之間的水煮蛋。據說比較好消化,因此從前都是煮給老人、病人或小孩吃的。
需預備的材料有:蛋 (鴨蛋每粒約 72-78g,雞蛋約 62g,一次可多做幾顆,例如 20 粒),少許白醋和鹽 (目的在軟化蛋殼,容易剝除),鬧鐘,溫度計,漏杓,冰塊,和切蛋器 (或一根縫衣線)。
水沸騰大滾後,把所有的蛋放進漏杓裡一次下鍋 (以免蛋放進滾水的時間有先後,品質不一),蛋一入滾水,立刻抽出漏杓,蓋上鍋蓋,保持大火至再次大滾後,轉開中火,鬧鐘定時 3 分鐘,關火,再用餘熱泡 3 分鐘 (我的建議:若用較小的蛋,或想蛋黃更稀軟,則時間可各減少一分鐘)。
打開鍋蓋,放入溫度計,加入冷水 (或冰水),注意溫度降至 72.5 度 C 即停止,用這水溫泡兩分鐘 (我的建議:蛋若較小,泡一分鐘)。
撈起所有的蛋,浸入旁邊準備好的冰塊裡 10 分鐘,冰塊同樣必須淹過蛋。
水煮糖心蛋至此算完成。一粒蛋可以分切成 4-6 份,如果你和我一樣沒有切蛋器,克難的祖傳方法是:用一根縫衣線,一端含在嘴裡,用牙齒咬住,一端捆住剝好的蛋,牙齒一拉線,蛋就被對切為兩半,再轉向另一剖面,一粒蛋就被切成等分四份。
醬油蛋:泡過冰水的蛋,用大湯匙敲裂蛋殼,再丟入冰水泡一下。拿出、剝好蛋殼,瀝乾水分,裝到塑膠袋內 (這樣蛋才浸泡醬油均勻),倒入醬油,泡 25 分鐘。
滷糖心蛋:同樣蛋剝好殼,瀝乾水分,泡在 75 度 C "以下" 的滷汁內一個晚上。
咖哩蛋則不能泡醬油,要用柴魚高湯泡一夜,把蛋切成 4-6 份後,用咖哩油噴蛋黃心。
如果是用切蛋器切蛋,則清潔方法是:用檸檬水 (或醋) 泡一夜,再洗。(瞧保師傅多細心,連器材的善後都叮嚀到了)。
1. 電鍋先拔掉插頭,一張厚厚的餐巾紙用水打濕 (要溼透),舖在電鍋裡。
2. 室溫蛋 (但從冰箱拿出放室溫數小時) 放進電鍋內的濕紙上。
3. 插上電源,按下開關,蓋上鍋蓋。4. 蒸到電鍋跳鍋,拔掉電源。
5. 把蛋拿出來,用冷水沖到蛋涼即可。
6. 總共大約 5-7 分鐘
2 則留言:
Dear 樂章:
是啊, 保師傅也提到味霖, 只是喵個人不喜歡這類日式添加物, 所以偷偷刪掉, 故意不提, 哈哈