
Guqin Music and Lessons 古琴音樂和教學

Chinese zither Guzheng Music 中國古箏音樂
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歷史: 古琴, 亦稱琴, 古的意思是古早, 最早出現於 5,000 年左右的甲骨銘文, 書寫文字資料是在詩經 (1100 BC), 琴書中已記載伏羲 "削桐為琴", 最早被挖掘出的實物是距今約 3,000 年戰國時期的曾侯乙墓, 圖畫和書寫文字一定遠晚於此樂器出現的時代, 由此推估琴的歷史約介於五千至六千年間.

History: Guqin (Gu-Chin) is also called "Chin", Gu means ancient. It has about 5,000 to 6,000 years of history. The earliest time we found it was on the 5,000-year-old Oracle Bone Script. The written character "Chin" is shown in "The Book of Odes & Hymns" which was written around 1100 BC. The "Book of Chin" also recorded Fu-Xi (The Emperor around 7724 BC) "logged the sycamore wood to make Chin." The instrument itself has been found in the tomb of Zeng-Hou-Yi (433 BC). The picture script and written character are always much later than the instrument existed. Therefore, we estimate the "Chin" has about 5,000 - 6,000 years of history.

用途: 由於古琴乃手工製作, 工藝與漆藝技術繁雜精細, 過程漫長, 價格不斐, 兼之樂譜乃特殊文字譜 (減字譜), 一個字體中含左右手指法, 位置, 音高, 滑音走位等複雜意義, 只有識字的文人, 和社會階級高的世家 (例如官宦, 宮廷) 才有能力學習, 亦即是用在個人修身養性, 或小眾場合演奏用.

Usage: Due to the instrument requiring a long handmade process, fine craftsmanship, layers of raw lacquer tech, costly price, complicated music scores, and fingering techniques, it was only played among scholars and noble families who had the knowledge and free time for self-cultivation. Guqin is a very personal instrument. The instrument owns the same personality as the musician who plays it.

構造: 古琴只有七根用蠶絲做的琴弦, 它不像古箏有琴碼固定音高, 而需要演奏者有靈敏的耳朵, 和嫻熟的指法技巧, 在琴身上彈出正確音符. 調音是在琴身背後, 所有琴弦纏繞的兩隻木製雁足上. 古琴約長 120 cm, 寬 20 cm, 高 6 cm.

Structure: There are 7 silk strings on Guqin. It is not like Guzheng which has bridges to fix the tuning while we play. Guqin musicians must have sensitive hearing and skillful fingering techniques to play the right pitches on strings. Tuning is through all strings being twined on the two wooden "legs" on the back of the instrument. Guqin is about 120cm long, 20cm wide, and 6cm high.

音色: 古琴有迥異於其他樂器的獨特音色, (1) 散音, 右手彈音 (2) 按音, 右手彈弦, 左手同時按弦的音 (3) 泛音, 左手對準徽位輕點, 右手同時彈弦, 發出的輕越聲音

Tone Color: Guqin produces unique timbre due to the structure of the instrument and fingering skills. There are 3 kinds of tones: (1) Real Sound: Right-Hand plucking strings (2) Sliding tone and Microtone: Left-Hand press on the white dot and/or slide on the strings to get pitches and unlimited microtones (3) Overtone: right-hand plucks the string at the same time with the left-hand touch the white dot and leaves immediately to produce a clear tone.

音域: 古琴音域共 4 個八度音, 七條弦上共有 7 個散音, 91 個泛音, 和 147 個按音.

Pitch Range: Although Guqin only has 7 strings, it includes 4 octaves, 7 "real" notes, 91 overtones, and 147 both hands pitches.

樂譜: (1) 以二分法, 三分法, 及五分法, 算出定音音位 (2) 三分損益法: 將弦長分別以三分減一, 三分加一方式, 算出的按音音位, 古譜都是減字譜, 現代有數字簡譜和五線譜

Music notation: (1) Get pitches and unlimited microtone by using dichotomy, rule of thirds, and quartering (2) Three-Point Profit and Loss Method: Divide a string into 3 sections to add and/or subtract 1 to decide the pitches on the string. 

Traditional Guqin music notation is so-called "abbreviated character notation" that one character includes the instruction on (1) which string the right hand should pluck (2) the white dot that the left hand should press on (3) the skill of both hands, and (4) what pitch will be made. The modern notations have been transcript into Sofie (number) notation or Staff sheets of music for people to easily learn the instrument.