
Tahini Dressing 芝蔴醬

Chinese Recipes are HERE 中西食譜在此 
Baby Goats Films are HERE 羊寶錄影在此 
Videos of Goats are HERE 山羊錄影在此 
View of 4 Seasons is HERE 山中景觀在此 
My artwork (手工藝品) 
4 servings:
1 cup Olive Oil 
2 cups sesame seeds (either white or black sesame) 
1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar 
1 TBSP soy sauce (or just double salt) 
1/2 TBSP Sea Salt (addition: lemon/lime juice, tomato, herb: Basil) 
Blend together well 

一杯油 (橄欖油, 葵花油, 花生油皆可) 
2 杯芝蔴 (黑白皆可) 
1/4 杯水果醋 
一大匙醬油 (可略, 若你不喜醬油) 
半大匙海鹽 (亦可加入一點檸檬汁, 碎番茄粒, 蘿勒香草) 
