
Banana bread with dry cranberry 香蕉麵包

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中文閱讀心得 (共 70 篇)

明天有聚餐, 考量少數的素食者, 菜色選擇很少, 決定做個營養好吃, 又易嚼不傷牙的香蕉麵包, 材料和做法很簡單, 家裡沒機器, 一雙筷子, 一個湯匙, 一雙手即可完成

放小鍋裡低溫融化, 攪拌均勻, 放一邊冷卻
4 條熟透的芝麻蕉: 用大湯匙壓碎
4 個蛋打勻
一杯切碎的乾蔓越莓 (或任何乾果, 巧克力)
2.5 杯低筋麵粉  (或中筋 all purpose flour 亦可)
2 小匙蘇打粉, 半小匙海鹽


1. 用奶油包裝紙上剩餘的奶油, 抹在烤盤 (或錫箔紙) , 以免麵糊沾黏

2. 把麵粉, 蘇打粉, , 放在一個大碗裡拌勻 (用筷子即可)

3. 加入已融化放涼的黑糖奶油, 拌勻, 有點疙瘩沒關係

4. 加入打勻的蛋液, 同樣拌勻

5. 加入壓成泥狀的香蕉, 和切碎的水果乾或巧克力, 拌勻

6. 用筷子攪拌成黏稠狀即可, 不必太細, 小疙瘩無妨, 但不能呈太粗的塊狀

7. 烤箱 350 華氏度預熱 10 分鐘 (攝氏 177 )

8. 將麵糊倒入烤盤, 放入烤箱, 50 分至一小時, 用牙籤戳入麵包, 若無麵糊沾黏在牙籤上, 就是烤好了

9. 烤箱鈴響後, 讓麵包於烤箱內再待 10 分鐘, 然後才取出麵包, 這是避免溫差太大, 麵包變型, 取出10 分鐘後, 才開始切它.

10. 在麵包仍溫熱時, 裝進一個小紙袋 (比塑膠袋佳, 窩在塑膠袋裡可能發霉 ), 一者保溫, 再者防止它在空氣中變乾硬, 不要放冰箱, 室溫可放 5-7 , 而且越放越入味

1 cup dark brown sugar 
One 8oz unsalted butter, at room temperature 
4 ripe mashed bananas (with a big spoon)
4 eggs 
1 cup dried cranberries/any dry fruit/chocolate chips, chop fine
2 1/2 cups cake (or all purpose) flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2  teaspoon sea salt

1. Heat sugar and butter in a small wok until melted well. Use low heat, don't burn it. Set aside to cool down.

2. Stir together the flour, baking soda, and salt in a big bowl. 

3. Pour cool sugar butter into flour bowl. Mix well.

4. Scramble eggs and add to flour bowl, stir well.

5. Add mashed bananas, mix until just combined. Do not over mix.

6. Stir in the dried cranberries. 

7. Pour mixture in the baking pan. 

Preheat oven to 350º F for 10 minutes. Lightly grease a baking pan.

Bake for 50 minutes to 1 hour, or until a toothpick inserted into center comes out clean.

10. Cool on rack for 10 min before removing from pan. Loosen the edges, then pop loose the bottom of the bread from the pan. Place on wire rack to finish cooling. 

Keep wrapped in paper bag for up to 5 days to avoid becoming dry and hard. It tastes better on the 2nd and 3rd days. 
