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若想肉餡水嫩不乾, 就刨一堆西葫蘆瓜或小黃瓜加入肉餡
A. Filling:
1. One pound ground meat (turkey, pork, beef.... choose one kind only)
2. Chop or blend vegetables: spinach, green cabbage, carrots, celery, green onions ... (This is a good chance to add any kind of vegetables that your children don't like to eat)
3. Finely chop ginger root and garlic (garlic is an option)
4. Mix 2 TBSP sesame oil, 1 TSP salt, soy sauce (option), 2 TBSP Chinese rice wine (or regular rice wine) with meat
B. Dough:
If you bought dumpling skins from an Asian grocery store, you can skip this most difficult part.
1. The way to make a dough is the same with making cold noodle dough

2. After the dough raised, sprinkle white flour on a clean table and on the rolling pin

3. Divide dough to several smaller dough balls and roll out in hands to long thin rolls

4. Divide every long thin roll to several short dough rolls
5. Roll every little dough roll into one dumpling skin (as small as possible)
6. The center of the skin should be thicker than the edge
C. Make dumplings:
1. Put some filling in the skin
2. Coat water on the edge of the skin so that it will stick when you wrap it (only for the skin you bought from store)
3. Wrap it as the picture shows
D. Cook dumplings
1. Fill large pot 1/3 full with water
2. Heat until boiling
3. Put about 20 dumplings in the boiling water (the water has to cover all dumplings)
4. Cover with the lid and bring to boil again
5. Add a glass of cool water when the water is boiling
6. Key Step(s) to insure the meat is cooked: Repeat steps 4 and 5 until the color of the dumpling skins turn to clear and all dumplings float on the surface of the soup (usually, you need to add water one to three times depending on the skin thickness)
7. Note: whole wheat skins will not appear clear like white flour skins do.

E. Sauce: Mix sesame oil, chopped ginger root, garlic, soy sauce (option), cayenne (spice, option), and rice vinegar (or homemade Basile vinegar).

Serve when they are hot. Put all cooked dumplings in a big bowl. Every person can put some sauce in his/her small bowl and dip the dumpling in the sauce and eat.
4 則留言:
不對, 應該是說: 玩水餃..哈哈.
1. 鮮豬肉(50元)
2. 薑汁(去肉腥, 算5元)
3. 葱(10元)
4. 少許調味(就算5元好啦)
5. 皮(現成:40元, 自製:10元)
一共包了二百多個餛飩, 吃都吃不完..
牛牛包得可好哩, 不虧是牛媽淡蛋我的兒子.嘻嘻~~~~
要是好舉喵住我家隔壁, 我們一定會拿去孝敬的...
玩水餃, 多棒的媽媽, 200 多個餛飩, 才花了台幣 80, 你搬到喵隔壁來好了, 這裡的地現在好便宜, 自己蓋棟 A Frame (類似森林小精靈住的 A 字型小木屋), 五萬美金即可 (材料費), 又好蓋
講得我都心動了. 可惜的是, 還有淡媽在, 不宜遠行, 不然淡媽會生氣的..哈哈..
不過這不打緊咩, 反正, 就認識了好舉咩哇, 嘻嘻~~~喵係跑不掉的...
對啦, 喵不知淡蛋我有一個特別的外號喔?
「偶係有教養的 ㄌㄨˊ 鰻」<--- msn的名字..
Dear 淡蛋:
父母在, 不遠遊, 但你可以帶媽媽一起來玩啊, 小精靈, 大精靈, 老精靈, 加一堆動物, 森林, 小木屋.... 你都可以來寫一堆故事了, 說不定比哈利波特還精采呢