國際學生每年照例會邀請一些朋友,在 11 月底或 12 月初,辦一場 Potluck (各帶一份自己國家菜色的聚餐),算是聖誕節的暖身 Party。我每年都會應邀,也儘量每次準備不同菜式,由於上次公佈了八寶飯的做法後,很受美國朋友的青睞,因此這回當然是帶它啦,不過家裡還是預先做好了常吃的餃子和炒飯,餃子一次都是做 50 - 200 個,冰凍起來,當事忙,無暇做飯時,就能應急。
我們的小母雞開始下蛋 (Chicken egg)了,個頭雖還小,但味道很香,蛋黃色澤金黃,和市售的淺黃顏色不同,打在一個碗裡立可分辨。放山雞的色香味畢竟不同凡響。炒飯的材料除了米之外,都是園中自產,包括紅辣椒和甜椒。

Fried Rice (can be vegetarian, seafood or meat):
1. Cook/Steam Brown/White Rice
2. Scramble eggs and take it out from the pot, leave aside
3. Chop all kinds of vegetables (i.e., sweet or hot pepper, celery....)
4. Add peanut oil in the hot pot, fried shimp/pork/beaf/chicken/ground goat meat (choose only one kind of meat)
5. Add rice and fry together well
6. Add vegetables, peas .....
7. Add scrambled egg, chopped raw green onions (option)
8. Serve when it is hot
Steamed Pork:
1. Marinate Pork with light color soy sauce, chopped garlic, ginger root, rice wine, green onions overnight
2. Preheat 350 F, 10 minutes
3. Roast 35 minutes
4. Serve when it is hot
