
Hummus 雪蓮子豆泥

Chinese recipes 中西食譜
Videos of goats are HERE 山羊錄影在此

I like hummus very much. The main ingredient of hummus is garbanzo beans.

They are high protein nutritious food. Chinese people have a beautiful name for it - Snow Lotus Seeds. Some people call it “chickpeas”. It does taste like chicken soup after cooking.

The ingredients are:
2 cups of garbanzo beans

2 TBSP extra virgin olive oil
2 TBSP ground cumin
12 cloves mashed raw garlic

1 median or large lemon (juice)
1 TSP sea salt


3 TBSP tahini paste (white sesame sauce)

1. Soak beans over night. The water has to cover beans (Make sure you rinse it thoroughly if
you use canned beans. Let them sit in a strainer for about 10 minutes to drain the water away)

2. Pour out water
3. Cook soaked beans in a rice cooker, or crockery cooker or regular wok with low heat till thoroughly soft
4. Put cooked soft beans into a blender
5. Blend beans with high speed several times to a paste consistency

6. Add sea salt, lemon juice, olive oil, tahini paste, garlic and cumin into the bean paste

7. Blend the mixtures again with low speed

8. Take the creamy hummus out of the blender and put in storage jar

9. Serve in dip bowl with bread, crackers, brown rice, carrots, cucumber, celeries and so on

10. Keep the un-used hummus in a clean jar. Store the jar in the refrigerator.

酪梨醬 Hummus是我很喜歡的兩道沾醬Hummus 的主要食材是雪蓮子含豐富植物纖維葉酸蛋白質維生素 B2與鈣質等營養素又名埃及豆鷹嘴豆黎豆雞豆 (煮後的豆湯嚐起來很像雞湯)性溫味甘適合膽固醇過高視力不佳或中年缺鈣的人食用 

可以發芽生食也可以做成這篇食譜裡有名但價昂的 Hummus (在超市一小盒就要台幣約 $130) 

它的用途很廣可以用來塗麵包蘇打餅乾生菜 (例如芹菜條胡蘿蔔) 甚至拌飯

500 克雪蓮子 (西式量杯 2 杯)
2 大匙特級橄欖油 (Extra Virgin olive oil)

2 大匙小茴香粉
12 粒大蒜擠成的蒜泥 (若不喜大蒜
3 大匙白芝麻醬 (tahini, 就是台灣麻醬麵用的芝蔴醬)
1 茶匙海鹽 (

水要蓋過雪蓮子, 每天清晨將泡豆水倒掉, 換乾淨水續泡

第二天倒掉泡豆子的水, (若用罐頭則用涼開水充分洗淨並瀝乾水分,然後直接放果汁機打成泥,加入其他調味料即成省略以下煮的過程)

另外用乾淨的開水煮豆子至爛, 慢鍋或電鍋皆可用煮稀飯的水量和方式煮豆子

用果汁機 (慢速) 把雪蓮子打成泥狀, 再加入所有其他材料用慢速攪拌均勻


8 則留言:

lh 提到...


I am so glad to see your website
both dips are my favorites.
I am having problem to find canned
chickpeas and white beans. those
dry chickpeas I found in some
organic stores in Taiwan are hard
to cook, they don't get soft enough, can you provide some info where to get them, and also where I can buy tahini.
appreciate your help!

RichCat山羊居 提到...

Dear lh:

Glad you like both dips. You can find chickpeas in traditional market if you don't mind it is organic or not.

You can use rice cooker (TaTung is the brand name) to cook all kind of beans. Same method as you cook rice.

I also revised the Chinese part recipe. Please let me know if you have more questions.

Tahini is the sauce we use for Chinese 麻醬麵. You can either make it by yourself or simply but it in traditional market. They are very common in Taiwan.

lh 提到...

Hi Rich:

thank you very much for your prompt reply!

I always thought Chinese 麻醬麵 was
made from black seaseme, and some
seasonings have been added not like Tihini we used in the States
which was quiet plain.
Would you also teach us to made our own Tahini ? Thank you!

By the way, I enjoy your articles and pictures, I admire youe effort
on making a great blog and sharing
so many beatiful things with readers.

thanks again!


RichCat山羊居 提到...

Dear lh:

I enjoy reading and replying your feedback. It let me know what you like to know more and what I can improve.

I thought 麻醬 was made of 白芝麻 but not black sesame. You may need to wait for a while for tahini recipe since I am looking for a good publisher to publish my first children book. (by the way, do you know any good publish in the State if you are from here?)

Maybe you can help me to critique when you are free (just leave your message in the article)


I study other people's recipes and try it by myself whenever I cook something new. That's why my recipes are slow :-)


lh 提到...

Hi RichCat:

we can wait for tahini recipe.
sorry that I do not know well
about publisher in the States.
but I think, maybe you can check
out on American Amazon children's
book and see who publishes
best seller children's book.
or New York Times Newspaper Sunday always has best sellers on childrens,
see who are publisher.try NYT
website but I don't know if you
need to pay to read now.

good luck!


RichCat山羊居 提到...

Dear lh:

Thank you for suggesting to look at NYT and American Amazon children's book. It is a great idea. I will check them.

RichCat山羊居 提到...

Dear lh:

I have search American Amazon Children's book and NYT. So far, there is no one has done the style I will do.

By the way, if you like to work on the illustration with me, please email to robynp2006@yahoo.com in two weeks.

I am on the process of publishing my animal books for children and closed the article of chicken.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

lh 提到...

hi RichCat:

I have sent you an e-mail
to your yahoo account
please check.

