
Almond/Pecan Banana Ice Cream Pie 核桃/胡桃香蕉冰淇淋派

Videos of goats 山羊錄影在此
Chinese recipes 中西食譜

You don’t need to bake this pie. It is easy, healthy and tastes good.

However, you do need a blender and juicer to do it within 5 minutes.

The ingredients are:
5 ripe bananas, cut half, put in a zip bag, freeze it overnight
2 cups of raw almonds (or pecans)
2 TBSP maple syrup or honey

1. Put almonds (or pecans) in blender. Blend to granular texture

2. Pour the ground almonds out of the blender and put in a big bowl
3. Add honey or maple syrup into the bowl, mix them well as dough
4. Put the almond dough into the pie pan and make a crust
5. Put the almond crust pie pan in front of the juicer
5. Take frozen bananas out of the freezer (do NOT defrost bananas)
6. Put frozen bananas in juicer and reduce to ice cream consistency

7. Evenly spread the bananas in the pie pan

8. Serve it immediately or
9. Put the pie in freezer for one hour if you like harder pie
10. You can also have blueberries, strawberries or pineapple on the top to decorate the pie



和磨咖啡豆那種的機器 (英文叫 blender) ,好把堅果磨成粉顆粒狀,



1. 生核桃放入果汁機打成粉顆粒狀打幾秒停一下,否則機器會過熱,不要打太碎
2. 將打好的核桃粉粒倒入大碗中,加入楓糖漿或蜂蜜,拌成麵團狀
3. 把核桃糖漿團倒入派盤中,舖勻當派皮
4. 將舖好堅果派皮的派盤放在果汁機 (Juicer) 出口前下方
5. 自冷凍櫃取出冰凍好的香蕉 (不要解凍,直接打成冰淇淋)
6. 將一根凍香蕉放在果汁機上方入口處,壓入木棒,把香蕉擠成泥
7. 香蕉成冰淇淋狀從出口落入派盤
8. 把香蕉泥在派盤中舖平即成,立即食用 (若有多的冰淇淋,另裝碗當冰淇淋吃掉就好囉)
9. 如果你喜歡香蕉冰淇淋不要那麼軟,則可將此派放入冷凍庫一小時 (或數小時) 之後再吃
10. 也可以用草莓或籃莓等水果裝飾冰淇淋派

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