
Chinese Chives Flatbread 蔥油餅 (細香蔥)

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Home Made Food Recipes 中西食譜


蔥油餅要用半燙麵,就是 60 度 C 的溫水和中筋麵粉。蔥油餅可以做得很樸素,也可以煎蛋皮、或加入其他材料做成豐盛大菜。
Put two cups of all-purpose flour into a wok. Mix up one cup of 140 F degree warn salt water (just a little bit of salt). Pour the warm salt water over the flour in the wok.

麵粉和水的比例是 2 : 1,就是兩杯的麵粉加一杯的溫水調麵糰。溫水必須另外和鹽先調好 (鹽是水的 1/50,一點點鹽即可),再倒進麵粉盆內。
Mix and knead the dough until it is smooth and there is no flour on the table or hands.

將麵糰和到三光:手光,盆光,桌面光 (就是麵團平滑、桌面和手上都沒有麵粉) 為止。將麵團放到一個有蓋的鍋內,或用濕布/塑膠袋蓋上,醒 10 分鐘。拿出來再揉 10 分鐘,放回盆內醒 20 分鐘,拿出來揉 10 分鐘,放回去醒 30 分鐘 (共三次),再揉 10 分鐘,
Put the dough in a wok and cover it with a lid (or cover with a plastic bag/wet towel) for 10 minutes. Take the dough out, knead it for 10 minutes, put the dough back to the wok for another 20 minutes and cover, take the dough out, knead for 10 minutes, put it back for another 30 minutes.

然後放進塑膠袋內,室溫醒一夜 (若時間趕,不放隔夜,現做亦可)。麵團放塑膠袋內時,必須用甩的方式封口,留空氣在袋內 (如圖示)。
Finally, take the dough out, knead for 10 minutes, put the dough in a plastic bag overnight to rise (room temperature, don't put it in the refrigerator). Suspend the plastic bag by the corners and twirl so that air is trapped in the bag with the dough. (You can make the bread now if you don't want to wait until tomorrow).

第二天拿出麵團後,揉 10 分鐘,再搓成長條狀,手揪出小塊麵團 (看你要做幾張餅), 然後桿成薄麵皮。
Take the dough out of the bag the second day, knead it for 10 minutes. Roll it out to a long thin roll. Cut (or hand divide) it into several small dough rolls (depends on how many flatbreads you want to make). Roll it flat and thin like a taco, put a little bit of vegetable (or peanut) oil on the bread, spread the oil evenly, sprinkle a little bit of salt, spread it evenly and then add some Chinese chives.

麵皮上放少許油 (花生油、香油、蔬菜油、甚至豬油皆可) 抹勻,灑一點鹽 (或加一點白胡椒粉) 抹勻,加蔥花,捲起成團,壓平,再桿成麵皮,

Fold it as the photos show. Make it into a ball. Press it flat and then roll it to a flatbread again.




Heat wok, add a little bit of oil, fry it on both sides until light brown with low heat. Serve it when it is hot.

There are several different ways to fold the bread. you can also create your way to play with it. The second way to fold the bread:

第二種捲法是灑完蔥的麵皮邊緣劃一刀,向旁邊捲起成傘狀,兩端一扭捏成團,中間一壓,桿平再煎 (請見照片)。


The third way to fold the bread:


You also can make a flatbread with eggs. Simply add one spoon of egg liquid to the hot oil pan, make a thin flat egg patty, cover with the fried flatbread till it is done. Serve folded or flat.

老實說,麵團揉和醒得好不好,比較影響 Q 度和口感,如何捲法不是很重要。也可以做成蔥油蛋餅:蛋液先在碗裡打好,舀一湯匙蛋液入熱油鍋,把蔥油餅覆上,煎好後對折、或捲起來吃都可以。蛋餅裡也可以加蔬菜或肉類,就是很豐盛的一餐了

