Home made food recipes 中西食譜
I like cold noodles in summer. There are hundreds of sauces for Chinese noodle. Here is a simple one.
The ingredients and utensils are:
A pan with ice cube water, an empty pan, about equal size and a colander.
Mix one avocado, 1/2 TP lemon juice, a little bit of salt and 2 TP virgin olive oil, as a sauce.
You can also slice some cucumber, carrot, Walla Walla onion, green onion, basil or other kinds of vegetables to add color and flavor.
It takes lots of water to cook noodles. Add a little bit of salt and oil (vegetable oil, peanut oil....) in the water.
1. Put noodles in boiling water, don't cover with lid, boil at high heat, about 2 minutes.
2. Taste a noodle and see if you like it softer or chewable.
3. Pour out hot water with a colander.
4. Put noodles in the ice water pan, pour immediately into the empty pan with running faucet cool water, pour the noodle in ice water again. Back and forth for about 20-30 seconds until the noodles get cold.
5. Put noodles in serving bowls. Add avocado sauce and vegetables (for color). Enjoy your meal.
I sometimes like to make my own noodle dough because it is healthier and more fun. The way to make cold noodle dough is similar with how I make Green Onion Flat Bread. The only difference is using cold salt water to make the dough but not warm salt water (2 cups of flour with one cup of cool water).
After the dough rises overnight take the dough out of the plastic bag. Knead 10 minutes. Divide the big dough to several small doughs (with hands or knife). Roll each small dough into a big taco like piece of thin flat dough (the bigger dough the longer noodle). Fold it over 3 levels. Sprinkle flour on every level. Cut the dough according to the width of noodle you like (as photo shows). Coat noodles with dry flour and cook as usual.
If you make lots of noodles at one time, the way to preserve them is:
Leave coated noodles in a plastic bag (one person amount in one bag). Put in freezer.
To cook, remove from freezer, put in cold water and heat but do not stir until the water is boiling. Cook frozen noodles with median heat only.Enjoy your cold noodles and have a nice summer time.
夏天,正是吃涼麵最適當的季節,蔬果盛多,又不費事,簡單健康。涼麵的醬汁有許多配方,可以吃素,也可以做成很繁複的葷料。這裡先介紹最簡單的酪梨涼麵,10 分鐘內即可入口。
平常自己做醬料,都儘量選用天然素材,比較健康。不用雞精 (其實是味精的變身) 或某種粉類的人工化學添加物,每道食物就算只加一點點,累積多了,還是容易這裡病、那裡痛,等於慢性自殺。
切碎的芫荽 (或蘿勒香草) 一湯匙,
冷壓初榨橄欖油 (Virgin Olive Oil) 兩湯匙,
一起調成泥狀當醬料備用 (如圖)。
煮一大鍋開水,水的份量必須至少是麵條的兩至三倍,水裡加少許的鹽和油,水大滾之後,「開蓋」下麵 (煮麵過程全部是開蓋煮至熟),水再滾之後 (約兩分鐘),看麵條有一點成透明狀,即可挑一根嚐嚐,依自己喜歡的 Q 度口感決定進度。
一旦達到自己要的軟硬度,立刻用篩盆倒掉滾水,把篩盆內的麵條再快速倒入冰塊水盆中,千萬不要浸泡 (避免軟爛, 口感不韌),打開冷水龍頭,立刻濾到空盆裡,用篩盆和空盆交換沖冷水和冰水,目的在急速降溫,約三十秒即成,把冷過的麵條裝入碗內,配上調好的酪梨醬 (或蔬菜) 拌吃即可。
若有時間可以自己做麵條,因為外面買的麵條都有防腐劑,而且手工麵條比較好吃,揉麵時又可以親子同樂。揉麵和醒麵團的方法,與蔥油餅類似,唯一的不同點是用冷水和麵即可,水裡同樣加一點鹽,增加麵團的延展性和 Q 度,比放鹼水健康。
第二天取出麵團後,再揉 10 分鐘,擀成一大張麵皮 (麵皮越大,麵條越長),灑上高筋麵粉,如圖折成三層,每一層都要灑麵粉,否則會黏在一起。
多做的乾麵條收藏法:一袋一人份,用塑膠袋分裝好 (麵條須先灑粉),放冷凍櫃。下麵的時候,從冷水開始,不要攪拌麵條,用溫火慢煮,等水大滾,才開始把麵條攪散。
關於各式涼麵醬料,推薦 「涼涼的吃麵」 一書。
2 則留言:
Dear RichCat
Melissa ^O^
Dear Melissa:
酪梨營養價值高, 這個醬料又特別簡單爽口, 炎炎夏日, 可以試試看喔