
Bean Soup 魔豆湯

Videos of goats 山羊錄影
Chinese recipes

Beans 豆子種類


Bean Soup is good for winter time. You can use any kind of bean you like. Leave it on wood stove (and/or rice cooker/crockery cooker) and slowly cook until soft.



1. Beans:


such as black beans, red beans, lentils, scarlet emperor, white bean, speckeled beans, split peas, black eye peas, kidney beans and so on.

2. A quart jar of home made tomato juice OR an 8 oz can of tomato paste

(Boil the tomato, peel the skin, add some garlics and herbs)


3. Rice (brown or white rice) (option)
4. One cup of shredded Monterey Jack Cheese (option)
5. 1 TSP smashed garlic (option)

6. 1/4 sliced fresh onion and mustard

7. Fresh herb: Sage, Rosemary, Thyme, and so on

8. Jalapeno pepper (option) and black olives

9. About 1 TSP salt (to your taste)

1. Soak beans over night (the water must cover beans, leave the lid open)


2. Pour out the water and wash beans several times until the water is clean
3. Put water and beans into the cooker. Water has to be at least twice amount of beans.
4. Cook until beans are soft.


5. Add black olive, tomato juice or paste into the soup


6. You can serve bean soup now if you like plain soup or add some sugar in it as a dessert.Keep cooking if you like richer flavor:

7. Add a cup of rice into the soup (or cook rice first, then add cooked rice into the soup).

8. Add all herbs into the soup

9. Add garlic and/or
jalapeno pepper if you like spicy flavor.

Serve a bowl of soup with shreded Monterey Jack cheese, chopped onions or a half avocado with a piece of cranberry/millet/walnut/green bean bread.


You can stop here if you want a vegetarian meal


Bean soup with meat:
11. Mix salt, smashed garlic,
chopped jalapeno pepper with ground meat, mix well.
12. Fry ground meat thoroughly with butter.
13. Add cooked meat into the soup
14. Cook the soup till boiling


15. Serve a bowl of soup with shredded cheese, chopped onions or a half avocado with a piece of cranberry bread.

Most of the ingredients are from our garden.




豆子煮軟後加入黑橄欖蕃茄汁或新鮮番茄繼續燉爛 (若用新鮮番茄則在滾水把蕃茄煮爛後,挑出皮, 加入許多大蒜和多種香草, 例如羅勒草調味)

加入米(白米糙米小米都行) 可事先用電鍋把飯煮熟再加入豆湯裡比較快

加點鹽和香草 (若無新鮮或乾的西洋香草
中國類香草亦可) 大蒜和辣椒這些調味料可依個人喜好增減


另一大碗醃絞肉: 大蒜辣椒香草和鹽醃牛/豬/羊肉選其一若用雞肉可用去骨雞絲肉或把雞骨頭從湯裡挑出來


2 則留言:

樂章 提到...


RichCat山羊居 提到...

Dear 樂章:

對, 甚麼豆子都可以丟進去

絲瓜只開花呀, 有沒有問瓜農或你買這棵絲瓜的菜農?