Chinese recipes 中西食譜
Goats videos 親親小羊
一個距我們 25 英哩養羊的朋友,要求把他的奶山羊 "阿花",許配給貓熊,阿花非常溫馴,一見我們就投緣,接回家後,當然馬上介紹給貓熊,還餵她吃了幾顆大水梨、紫梅和紅李做點心,正餐二割牧草也自然是充分供應啦
阿花主人家五英畝左右的草地,養了 10 多頭羊 (最好是兩英畝地只養一頭羊比較健康),又據他說今年馬達壞了,沒辦法從河裡抽水澆地,只靠陳年一割牧草充飢
覺得阿花走路有點怪怪的,檢查之下,發現或許她的主人太忙,没幫她剪蹄子,腳底的硬層好厚,眞可憐,這樣羊兒會很痛苦,就像人類腳底長雞眼一樣,走路會很不舒服,而且腳型會逐漸變歪 (類似人類的內外八字),影響體型發育,所以趕緊幫她剪了蹄
Chinese Custard 蛋塔
Chinese recipes 中西食譜
Goats videos 山羊錄影
Ingredients of the filling are:
1 cup of milk
1 TBSP white or dark brown sugar
Four Eggs
1. Mix milk and sugar with low heat (don't boil it). Put aside till cool
2. Scramble eggs in a big bowl
3. Add sugar milk into eggs and mix well
Ingredients for 12 crusts are:
1.25 cups of cake flour
1 stick unsalted melted butter ( 4oz)
1/4 cup sugar
1 TSP salt
2 eggs
1. Scramble eggs in a big bowl
2. Melt butter with low heat, cool down and mix it well with sugar and salt
3. Add flour into the egg bowl and mix with butter/sugar/salt well
4. Mix and press the dough with fingers and palm but not knead. Mix everything well
6. Divide dough into 12 shares.
7. Take one small dough, roll into a ball, flatten the ball and put it into a cup of the biscuit pan
8. Form with the thumb to line the baking cup
9. The bottom of the crust must be thinker than the wall
10. Do all 12 crusts
11. Spoon the filling into the cups
12. Bake at 400 F for 25 - 30 minutes
13. Do not take out the pan until the temperature of the oven is as cool as the room temperature
牛奶 300 克
白糖或黑糖 80 克 (看你希望蛋塔是焦糖顏色或奶白色)
蛋 4 個
1. 用小火均勻溶化牛奶與糖 (千萬別煮滾了),放一旁待涼
2. 大碗打蛋液
3. 把放涼後的糖奶加入蛋液碗中,打均勻
低筋麵粉 500 克
無鹽奶油 150 克 (室溫或小火爐上溶化後放涼)
1. 大碗打蛋,加入糖、鹽、溶化後放涼的奶油,再打均勻
2. 加入麵粉,不要揉
3. 把所有材料用壓的或捏的,混合均勻
4. 麵皮碗蓋上蓋子,醒 20 分鐘
5. 麵團分成 12 等份
6. 取一麵團在雙掌中滾成球狀,再壓平
7. 把壓扁的麵餅放入烤盤小杯中
8. 用拇指把麵餅向四壁推均勻成小杯狀
9. 底部必須比四壁厚,四壁儘量高與杯緣齊
10, 把 12 個塔皮依此法做好
11. 用大湯匙把餡液舀入塔皮杯中
12. 烤箱 180 C 烤 25 - 30 分鐘,烤成後,在烤箱內放 10 分鐘降溫,再取出,以免烤箱內外溫差太大,內餡會塌掉,影響外觀
Goats videos 山羊錄影
Ingredients of the filling are:
1 cup of milk
1 TBSP white or dark brown sugar
Four Eggs
1. Mix milk and sugar with low heat (don't boil it). Put aside till cool
2. Scramble eggs in a big bowl
3. Add sugar milk into eggs and mix well
Ingredients for 12 crusts are:
1.25 cups of cake flour
1 stick unsalted melted butter ( 4oz)
1/4 cup sugar
1 TSP salt
2 eggs
1. Scramble eggs in a big bowl
2. Melt butter with low heat, cool down and mix it well with sugar and salt
3. Add flour into the egg bowl and mix with butter/sugar/salt well
4. Mix and press the dough with fingers and palm but not knead. Mix everything well
6. Divide dough into 12 shares.
7. Take one small dough, roll into a ball, flatten the ball and put it into a cup of the biscuit pan
8. Form with the thumb to line the baking cup
9. The bottom of the crust must be thinker than the wall
10. Do all 12 crusts
11. Spoon the filling into the cups
12. Bake at 400 F for 25 - 30 minutes
13. Do not take out the pan until the temperature of the oven is as cool as the room temperature
牛奶 300 克
白糖或黑糖 80 克 (看你希望蛋塔是焦糖顏色或奶白色)
蛋 4 個
1. 用小火均勻溶化牛奶與糖 (千萬別煮滾了),放一旁待涼
2. 大碗打蛋液
3. 把放涼後的糖奶加入蛋液碗中,打均勻
低筋麵粉 500 克
無鹽奶油 150 克 (室溫或小火爐上溶化後放涼)
1. 大碗打蛋,加入糖、鹽、溶化後放涼的奶油,再打均勻
2. 加入麵粉,不要揉
3. 把所有材料用壓的或捏的,混合均勻
4. 麵皮碗蓋上蓋子,醒 20 分鐘
5. 麵團分成 12 等份
6. 取一麵團在雙掌中滾成球狀,再壓平
7. 把壓扁的麵餅放入烤盤小杯中
8. 用拇指把麵餅向四壁推均勻成小杯狀
9. 底部必須比四壁厚,四壁儘量高與杯緣齊
10, 把 12 個塔皮依此法做好
11. 用大湯匙把餡液舀入塔皮杯中
12. 烤箱 180 C 烤 25 - 30 分鐘,烤成後,在烤箱內放 10 分鐘降溫,再取出,以免烤箱內外溫差太大,內餡會塌掉,影響外觀
The four seasons view 山中四季景觀錄影
Videos of goats 山羊錄影
Chinese recipes 中西食譜
Baby Goats Videos 山羊寶寶錄影
Early Spring 2010 (March) 初春
Chinese recipes 中西食譜
Baby Goats Videos 山羊寶寶錄影
Early Spring 2010 (March) 初春
剛過完中秋節的一個濃霧清晨 與羊兒在森林裡散步吃草
A foggy morning in the front yard 前山多霧的早晨
I take goats for a hike to the woods almost every morning. It is fun to watch them eat and play. I sometimes found deer tracks, a pile of animal poop, or a twig worm which is like the following video.
Twig worm 枯枝蟲You can hardly tell it is a worm when it doesn't move
A foggy morning in the front yard 前山多霧的早晨
I take goats for a hike to the woods almost every morning. It is fun to watch them eat and play. I sometimes found deer tracks, a pile of animal poop, or a twig worm which is like the following video.
Twig worm 枯枝蟲You can hardly tell it is a worm when it doesn't move
Lichen 是一種在空氣很乾淨的地方,才會長出的鬍鬚,羊兒非常愛吃,不過它通常都掛在高枝上,很難搆到
才入秋就下了一場半英吋的豪雨,喜歡溫暖乾燥的羊兒,一清早就叫我去幫她們打掃房間和吃早飯,因為下雨天她們比較喜歡呆在屋裡, 不愛入山