Videos of goats are HERE 山羊錄影在此
Ingredients (12 servings):
600ml Heavy whipping cream
300ml Milk
2 TBSP Sugar (or honey)
15g Gelatine
12 TSP Fruit sauce (Mango, Cramberry, Apple and so on)(option)
1. Low heat cook milk, cream and sugar. Heat it but not boil until it mix well
2. Turn off heat and add gelatine. Stir it until it is melted and mix well.
3. Add fruit sauce into each muffin pan cup (or any kind of individual cup)
4. Spoon the creamy milk on the top of fruit sauce
5. Put the pan in refrigrator for about 4 hours
6. Turn over the pan or cups to get the custard out and put it in a bowl or plate.
7. Decorate with honey, fruit or leave it plain
鮮奶酪 (12 個): 此食譜由書房好友 樂章 提供
牛奶 300 克
鮮奶油 600克
糖 100 克
水果泥 12 匙 (或像我一樣做純牛奶口味,則可省略)
1. 牛奶、鮮奶油、與糖放鍋中,小火加熱,不要煮滾了,至溶化完全
2. 關火,加入吉利丁,攪拌至溶解完全
3. 在模型杯底加入水果泥 (芒果、蔓越莓、蘋果等)
4. 將奶酪液體用大湯匙舀入每個模型
5. 放入冰箱約 4 小時至凝結
6. 倒扣到盤中食用