Videos of baby goats are HERE 羊寶錄影在此Home Made Food Recipes are HERE 中西食譜在此
1. Five lemons cut in half and put in the cooker,
2. Add water half full
3. Cook till water is boiling
4. Unplug, cover the lid and leave lemons/water in the cooker for more than 3 hours
5. Pour out water and lemons. Gentlly wash away
電鍋底部常因為蒸煮東西滴落湯汁而焦黑難洗, 可以利用檸檬的酸性輕易去除, 環保, 便宜又簡單, 方法如下
1. 將五顆檸檬切半, 放入電鍋, 加半鍋水在電鍋裡,
2. 插電煮至水沸騰後, 拔掉插頭, 蓋上鍋蓋, 靜置 3 小時以上, 倒掉檸檬黑水即可