Egg Soup 蛋花湯
Back Yard Bio-Charcoal 自製木炭
Home made food recipes 中西食譜
Goats and chickens 山羊和雞錄影
Property Development 買山容易養山難
Art Works 手工藝品
I like to have a bowl of hot soup in a wet and cold winter night. Egg Soup is easy to make. It can be very simple (water and egg) or rich (egg, ground meat, peas and carrots).
1. Boil 2 cups of water (or chicken soup)
2. Scramble four eggs (add one TBSP water in "scrambled" eggs)
3. Add "scrambled" eggs into the boiling water, turn off heat, keep stirring the eggs to the clockwise direction for 30 seconds.
4. Add a little bit sea salt and serve it when it is hot
You need to turn on the heat again if you want to add carrots, peas, corns for sweetness as well as ground meat (turkey, pork, beef) for more flavor.
However, I don't use corn starch (bad for blood sugar) and/or so called "chicken powder" (similar with MSG. It makes you feel thirsty). I like to keep the cooking simple and healthy.
Home made food recipes 中西食譜
Goats and chickens 山羊和雞錄影
Property Development 買山容易養山難
Art Works 手工藝品
I like to have a bowl of hot soup in a wet and cold winter night. Egg Soup is easy to make. It can be very simple (water and egg) or rich (egg, ground meat, peas and carrots).
1. Boil 2 cups of water (or chicken soup)
2. Scramble four eggs (add one TBSP water in "scrambled" eggs)
3. Add "scrambled" eggs into the boiling water, turn off heat, keep stirring the eggs to the clockwise direction for 30 seconds.
4. Add a little bit sea salt and serve it when it is hot
You need to turn on the heat again if you want to add carrots, peas, corns for sweetness as well as ground meat (turkey, pork, beef) for more flavor.
However, I don't use corn starch (bad for blood sugar) and/or so called "chicken powder" (similar with MSG. It makes you feel thirsty). I like to keep the cooking simple and healthy.
Videos of baby goats 羊寶錄影
Videos 影片:
梅樂莉 (7歲) 吃完蘋果樹鑽出柵欄回家
Baby goats challenge climbing the apple tree
羊寶梅樂莉 (3個月大) 愛爬蘋果樹吃水果和樹葉
Am I too short? 我太矮了嗎?
Pumpkin drops her head 小南瓜睡到頭掉下來
Silly Pumpkin 傻姑娘想睡在坡上, 卻一直滑下來
Twin boys of Cerah 莎莎的兩個頑皮兒子
Daisy asks for attention after she stopped goats butting head
領頭羊黛西勸架後, 撒嬌邀功
The best bed and playground in the world
媽媽的背, 是最棒的床
Every part of mom is useful 媽媽的頭角真好用
Panda and Joy play on the sand mountain 潘潘和依依在沙山上玩耍
Joy doesn't like the noise 依依不喜歡機械聲, 好可愛的奶娃抗議
The 3 weeks old twins challenge 2.5 months old Cherry (purebred boar) and 2 years old Ruby
Help, Mom 蘋果小寶被母雞擋住房門岀不去, 急得喊媽媽
The little girl plays with my jacket 小羊玩我的夾克
Cherry plays my hat 櫻桃小丸子玩我的帽子
Angel (2 weeks old) enjoys the afternoon nap under the warm Spring sun
Our buck: Kiko goat 所有寶寶們的爸爸: 貓熊
Goats eat carrots 羊兒吃胡蘿蔔
Robin sings in the foggy morning 知更鳥在晨霧中高唱
Back Yard Bio-charcoal 自製木炭
Homemade food recipes 中西食譜
My Chickens 雞兒錄影
My Goats 山羊
Property Development 買山容易養山難
Third generation baby goats 第三代羊寶
Fourth-generation baby goats 第四代羊寶
My Art Works 手工藝品
Baby goats challenge climbing the apple tree
羊寶梅樂莉 (3個月大) 愛爬蘋果樹吃水果和樹葉
Am I too short? 我太矮了嗎?
Pumpkin drops her head 小南瓜睡到頭掉下來
Silly Pumpkin 傻姑娘想睡在坡上, 卻一直滑下來
Twin boys of Cerah 莎莎的兩個頑皮兒子
Daisy asks for attention after she stopped goats butting head
領頭羊黛西勸架後, 撒嬌邀功
The best bed and playground in the world
媽媽的背, 是最棒的床
Every part of mom is useful 媽媽的頭角真好用
Panda and Joy play on the sand mountain 潘潘和依依在沙山上玩耍
Joy doesn't like the noise 依依不喜歡機械聲, 好可愛的奶娃抗議
The 3 weeks old twins challenge 2.5 months old Cherry (purebred boar) and 2 years old Ruby
Help, Mom 蘋果小寶被母雞擋住房門岀不去, 急得喊媽媽
The little girl plays with my jacket 小羊玩我的夾克
Cherry plays my hat 櫻桃小丸子玩我的帽子
Angel (2 weeks old) enjoys the afternoon nap under the warm Spring sun
Our buck: Kiko goat 所有寶寶們的爸爸: 貓熊
Goats eat carrots 羊兒吃胡蘿蔔
Robin sings in the foggy morning 知更鳥在晨霧中高唱
Back Yard Bio-charcoal 自製木炭
Homemade food recipes 中西食譜
My Chickens 雞兒錄影
My Goats 山羊
Property Development 買山容易養山難
Third generation baby goats 第三代羊寶
Fourth-generation baby goats 第四代羊寶
My Art Works 手工藝品
Videos of food that goats love 羊兒最愛的食物
My Chickens 雞兒錄影
Marta and Daisy eat vine 蜜兒和女兒黛西吃藤蔓
Goats eat wild blackberry vine on the ground 羊兒吃攀爬在地上的野黑莓
Cerah is chewing deer's bone !!! 莎莎大嚼野鹿骨頭
I thought goats are vegetarians. It seems not true to all of them
Shiko (Cerah's daughter) also is chewing the bone 小可 (莎莎女兒) 嚼野鹿骨頭
Marta's son and Buffy/Trek are in the barn 蜜兒的兒子, 飛飛和健兒在羊屋裡要花生吃
Buffy and her son are eating blackberry leaves 飛飛和兒子吃野黑莓
McKida's twins are eating blackberry leaves 瑪琪塔的雙胞胎兒子吃野黑莓
Marta's son is eating blackberry leaves 蜜兒兒子吃野黑莓葉
Delicious poison oak snack 好吃的毒橡木
Girls are eating green Asia Pears 小母羊吃青梨
Does eat prunes, yellow tomatoes and Asia Pears 母羊吃紫梅和水梨
Ruby eats Asia pear leaves 露比吃水梨葉
Pindo is eating watermelon 貓熊吃西瓜
5 little boys play with me 小公羊邊吃邊玩
Goats eat cabbage 羊兒吃包心菜
Feed goats (1)餵羊(2010)
Feed goats (2) 餵羊(2010/4)
Vidoes of Pindo and his children 公羊貓熊錄影
My Chickens 雞兒錄影
Bio-Charcoal 自製木炭
My Goats 山羊
Third generation baby goats 第三代羊寶
Fourth-generation baby goats 第四代羊寶
Homemade food recipes 中西食譜
Pindo 是山羊寶寶們的父親, 純種 Kiko 自紐西蘭引入,身價 US$800 美金, 體型巨大, 不畏寒熱, 奶肉兼佳, 媽媽奶量充足, 肉又多, 幾乎終生不生病, 免疫寄生蟲病(肉山羊常會患的病), 蹄甲不需頻繁修剪, 而且對主人很忠心, 又護衛羊群, 可與山貓/山獅搏鬥, 請看文內自錄的短片, 並請點讚, 訂閱, 開小鈴鐺和轉傳, 謝謝
Videos 錄影:
Pindo daughters are playing
There are 5 baby girls and 5 baby boys from Pindo in 2009
Pindo loves me to scratch him 撒嬌的貓熊
Pindo loves poison oak 貓熊愛吃毒葛藤
Girls are chewing cuds and scratching 小羊反芻和抓癢
羊兒抓癢的方法有好幾種: 用蹄子或頭角,去角的過程殘忍且痛苦,這也是為什麼我們不像別的養羊人家,為了人類的方便,從小去掉羊的頭角,頭角除了調節體溫 (夏天散熱) 和抓癢之外,還可以禦敵防身
Pindo is walking towards me 回應呼喚
Girls go hiking with me 母羊跟我進森林吃 Lichen
Pindo chases Marta and she says NO 蜜兒不答應貓熊的追求
注意看公羊的鼻子和舌頭, 還有他發出的怪聲
Bio-Charcoal 自製木炭
My Goats 山羊
Third generation baby goats 第三代羊寶
Fourth-generation baby goats 第四代羊寶
Homemade food recipes 中西食譜
Pindo 是山羊寶寶們的父親, 純種 Kiko 自紐西蘭引入,身價 US$800 美金, 體型巨大, 不畏寒熱, 奶肉兼佳, 媽媽奶量充足, 肉又多, 幾乎終生不生病, 免疫寄生蟲病(肉山羊常會患的病), 蹄甲不需頻繁修剪, 而且對主人很忠心, 又護衛羊群, 可與山貓/山獅搏鬥, 請看文內自錄的短片, 並請點讚, 訂閱, 開小鈴鐺和轉傳, 謝謝
Videos 錄影:
Pindo daughters are playing
There are 5 baby girls and 5 baby boys from Pindo in 2009
Pindo loves me to scratch him 撒嬌的貓熊
Pindo loves poison oak 貓熊愛吃毒葛藤
Girls are chewing cuds and scratching 小羊反芻和抓癢
羊兒抓癢的方法有好幾種: 用蹄子或頭角,去角的過程殘忍且痛苦,這也是為什麼我們不像別的養羊人家,為了人類的方便,從小去掉羊的頭角,頭角除了調節體溫 (夏天散熱) 和抓癢之外,還可以禦敵防身
Pindo is walking towards me 回應呼喚
Nap on the sand pile 沙堆午睡
Girls follow me to the woods 跟我到樹林 乾燥溫暖的沙堆,是所有羊兒和雞兒的最愛,只是貓熊體積大,有他在,別羊是睡不到的。
Girls go hiking with me 母羊跟我進森林吃 Lichen
Pindo chases Marta and she says NO 蜜兒不答應貓熊的追求
注意看公羊的鼻子和舌頭, 還有他發出的怪聲
Pindo tries to chase Cerah and she says NO
Cerah tries to flirt with Pindo (6 minutes long)
莎莎挑逗貓熊 (六分鐘錄影)
Cerah tries to flirt with Pindo (6 minutes long)
莎莎挑逗貓熊 (六分鐘錄影)
山羊會花許多時間求偶, 當母羊發情時, 公羊會如影隨形母羊, 並發出如狗或小豬的聲音, 聞母羊屁股, 很尊重母羊, 耐心等母羊同意
Volunteer plants and goat feed 野生花果和羊食
My Chickens 雞兒錄影
Bio-Charcoal 自製木炭
My Goats 山羊
Third generation baby goats 第三代羊寶
Fourth generation baby goats 第四代羊寶
Home made food recipes 中西食譜
成語裡的 "自生自滅", 在山裡隨處可見
由於不施肥, 完全靠家禽家畜, 野生動物 (野鹿, 野熊, 野火雞, 老鷹, 野鳥 .....) 的糞尿, 和雨雪, 風霜, 陽光滋養,
每天在樹林裡行走時, 隨處可見一株株小樹冒出頭,
以前還傻傻的用圍籬圈起來保護, 後來多到完全無力一一圈欄, 真的只有讓它們物競天擇, 看各自的造化了
除了花草樹木, 水果也一樣, 或許是鳥兒, 或許是清風, 也或許是雞羊吃或沾黏在羽毛上的種子, 被帶到了野地,
每年都有西瓜, 醜瓜 (Ugly Melon), 番茄,
開漂亮紫花, 甜嫩多汁的野豆藤, 最被羊兒青睞
它們的生命力十分強韌, 滿山坡怒長, 像這樣不需人類照料, 還長得好吃好看的植物, 是最被歡迎的 "野草" 了
被用在蔬果園裡雞羊肥料裡的果種比較幸運, 會在豐裕且被周密保護的環境裡茁壯, 野果每年都結得很好, 反倒是花大錢買來一公兩母的 Hardy Kiwi 野獼猴桃,
費時五年, 今夏才好不容易看到了寶寶
菜圃每年不但輪種各式菜蔬, 調整土壤的酸鹼度, 同時會實驗不同方式, 讓植物互助合作,
而是犁妥圃床, 周邊堆高雞羊肥料, 以利肥水流向中央的種床,
充當豆藤的支架, 互相成長
山裡無論吃的用的, 都儘量回收再生,
朽木和紙類當柴火燒掉, 幾乎沒有什麼需要扔垃圾桶的,
遇有香甜的蔬果種子, 就洗淨挑選,
留肥大健康的下來, 作為明年的家菓母種
Bio-Charcoal 自製木炭
My Goats 山羊
Third generation baby goats 第三代羊寶
Fourth generation baby goats 第四代羊寶
Home made food recipes 中西食譜
成語裡的 "自生自滅", 在山裡隨處可見
由於不施肥, 完全靠家禽家畜, 野生動物 (野鹿, 野熊, 野火雞, 老鷹, 野鳥 .....) 的糞尿, 和雨雪, 風霜, 陽光滋養,
每天在樹林裡行走時, 隨處可見一株株小樹冒出頭,
以前還傻傻的用圍籬圈起來保護, 後來多到完全無力一一圈欄, 真的只有讓它們物競天擇, 看各自的造化了
除了花草樹木, 水果也一樣, 或許是鳥兒, 或許是清風, 也或許是雞羊吃或沾黏在羽毛上的種子, 被帶到了野地,
每年都有西瓜, 醜瓜 (Ugly Melon), 番茄,
開漂亮紫花, 甜嫩多汁的野豆藤, 最被羊兒青睞
它們的生命力十分強韌, 滿山坡怒長, 像這樣不需人類照料, 還長得好吃好看的植物, 是最被歡迎的 "野草" 了
被用在蔬果園裡雞羊肥料裡的果種比較幸運, 會在豐裕且被周密保護的環境裡茁壯, 野果每年都結得很好, 反倒是花大錢買來一公兩母的 Hardy Kiwi 野獼猴桃,
費時五年, 今夏才好不容易看到了寶寶
菜圃每年不但輪種各式菜蔬, 調整土壤的酸鹼度, 同時會實驗不同方式, 讓植物互助合作,
而是犁妥圃床, 周邊堆高雞羊肥料, 以利肥水流向中央的種床,
充當豆藤的支架, 互相成長
山裡無論吃的用的, 都儘量回收再生,
朽木和紙類當柴火燒掉, 幾乎沒有什麼需要扔垃圾桶的,
遇有香甜的蔬果種子, 就洗淨挑選,
留肥大健康的下來, 作為明年的家菓母種