Baby Goats Films are HERE 羊寶錄影在此
Videos of Goats are HERE 山羊錄影在此
Videos: 錄影
Happy jumps from the feeder in Pasture 4 and plays with me
Shiko Plays with me 小可和我玩耍
Daisy's one month old daughter: Happy plays with me 樂樂跟我玩耍
Ruby teaches Doma fight 露比媽媽教小乖防身術
Doma and blackberry 小乖大嚼野黑莓
Baby boys and two moms 小公羊飛奔而來
Happy and Ruby fight 兩個月大的樂樂想挑戰三歲大的露比婆婆
Happy plays with me (Part II) 樂樂跟我玩耍
Marta and Daughter chew cuds and fall asleep 蜜兒和女兒吃著吃著睡著了
Daisy and daughter Happy chew cud 黛西和女兒樂樂相依反芻
Happy Family 家庭親子日
Ruby teaches Doma fighting (part II) 露比媽媽教小乖防身術 (Part 2)
Deer come to join the family
Today is Saturday, 96 F, Family Day
今天氣溫將高達華氏 96 度,
Left: Marta's son, 6 months old, 92 lbs, Nubian/Boar/Kiko mix
Right: Marta's Daughter, 6 months old, 72 lbs
左圖: 蜜兒六個月大兒子, 約 46 公斤, 右: 蜜兒女兒, 36 公斤
Left: Shiko's Son, 4 months old, 62 lbs, kiko and boar cross
Right: Shiko's Daughter, 58 lbs
(左圖: 小可四個月大兒子, 31 公斤, 右圖: 小可女兒, 29 公斤)
一大清早打掃完羊兒帳棚, 跟每一頭長得頭好壯壯, 一到五個月大的小羊, 和他們的媽媽聊天, 玩耍, 拍撫, 摟抱完畢後, 就趕緊回屋, 緊閉門窗, 熬到下午六點再出門, 羊兒也都躲到樹林陰涼處午睡, 山中一片寂靜
(太妃糖三個月大兒子, 36 公斤)
(Taffy's son, 3 months old, 72 lbs, 1/4 Nubian, 3/4 Kiko)
(莎莎和三個月大, 32 公斤兒子 )
(Cerah and her 3 months old son, 65 lbs, Purebred Kiko)
3 yr old Ruby (168 lbs, Nubian/Alpine/Boar Mix) and
her daughter (1.3 year old, 110 lbs)
Doma: Nubian/Alpone/Boar/Kiko Mix
三歲露比媽媽 (84 公斤) 和一歲多女兒小乖 (55 公斤)
Purebred Boar 3 years old Apple (141 lbs)
and 7 months old daughter: Cherry (65 lbs)
純肉羊血統三歲蘋果媽媽 (70 公斤)
和七個月大女兒櫻桃小丸子 (32 公斤)
Purebred Kiko mom Shiko (1.5 year old, 95 lbs)
and her 4 months old kiko/boar cross daughter (50 lbs)
一歲半的小可 (47 公斤) 和女兒 (25 公斤)
Left: Marta (121 lbs), her younger daughter and older daughter: Daisy (103 lbs) (front)
Right: Daisy's 2 months old daughter: Happy (37 lbs)
蜜兒全家福: 蜜兒女兒嚼著嚼著睡著了
大女兒黛西 (前坐), 小女兒 (身旁) 和孫女樂樂 (右圖)
Second Cut Alfalfa Hay and Honey 苜蓿草和蜂蜜
Baby Goats Films are HERE 羊寶錄影在此
Videos of Goats are HERE 山羊錄影在此
Chinese Recipes are HERE 中西食譜在此
View of 4 Seasons is HERE 山中景觀在此
My art work (手工藝品)
New Video:
Happy jumps from the feeder in Pasture 4 and plays with me
Goats happily eat in the pipe feeder
Marta's little girl truly loves the alfalfa hay: buried her head into it
Shiko's daughter chews 2nd cut Alfalfa 小可女兒吃苜蓿草
2nd cut Alfalfa hay
The feeder that made with mapple tree branch
Goats eat Alfalfa hay
今年歐美很可能面臨經濟緊縮 (房地產和物價下跌, 二次大蕭條開始), 亞洲卻反向出現通貨膨脹 (可以賺亞洲錢幣, 來美國買房地產), 市面上民生必需品的消長已開始顯現
四年前開始養羊的時候, 羊兒身價和牧草緊俏昂貴, 一捆六七十磅的二割牧草 (顏色較綠, 蛋白質含量較高) 要 $7 美金, 還得用搶的, 去晚了, 就買不到好草料, 算起來養一頭羊, 單單牧草開銷, 一年就是 $400 (還不算其他副食品, 看病, 針藥, 水電, 人工, 羊屋等物價), 10 頭羊一年就是 $4000 伙食費
可經過房市股市經濟風暴, 失業率高居不下, 大家開始不買東西, 或轉向二手店, 跳蚤市場, 車庫拍賣等購物, 中小型牧場開始大量賣掉牛羊馬, 關閉牧場, 改種牧草, 以為比照顧牲口划算, 卻忽略如果多數人都不養牛羊馬, 則誰來買牧草的隱憂
(右圖顏色枯黃的是一割牧草, 綠色的是二割牧草: 草地上五六月左右長出被收割的叫一割草: 莖多葉少, 牛吃這個, 羊不吃, 只能用來給羊兒舖床用, 因為沒有施肥澆水, 只靠冬季雨水自然長出, 蛋白質不高, 草被割過一次後, 野草和小鳥小獸屍體形成的肥料, 加上牧場主人天天大量澆水, 和春天暖陽照射, 生長的叫二割牧草, 蛋白質含量較高, 葉片較一割草多, 但因為花費大量的水電費, 價格也貴, 有些牧場在二割後, 會在九月初三割牧草, 葉片更細嫩, 價錢也更貴, 前年開始因為汽油飆漲, 電費高, 已經不產三割了, 今年更過分, 連二割牧草都沒有, 只買得到苜蓿草)
去年就預估今年牧草價格會大跌, 果不其然, 才入六月, 沿途綿延百里, 都是一割牧草 (顏色枯黃), 七月初, 許多外市牧場就來電, 告知草料已收割, 希望我們去採購 (往年是我們去電要求幫忙保留牧草).
今年住處附近的牧場, 甚至有一捆 120 多磅, 品質極佳的苜宿草, 只要 $7 (去年價格的一半), 我們立刻去搬了 20 多捆回來, 不但樂壞羊兒 (錄影), 自己也省了一筆長途汽油費
蜂蜜則正好相反, 由於溫室暖化效應惡化太快, 今年直到六月, 還風風雨雨, 悽悽冷冷, 一天冬季, 一天炎夏的不穩定氣候, 讓蜜蜂傷亡甚巨, 山裡果園/菜圃幾乎不見峰蝶芳蹤, 果蔬成熟期延後, 蜂蜜减產, 就算跟多年熟識的蜂農親購, 也只能買到各一加侖的百花蜜 (左圖) 和藍莓蜜 (右圖), 想多買都沒有
百花蜜是蜜蜂採集各式野花釀成, 稱 Wild Flower Honey, 藍莓蜜則是藍莓園在四五月藍莓開花時, 跟蜂農租或借成百個蜂箱, 放在園內, 由蜜蜂傳播花粉, 所釀成的蜜, 色澤比百花蜜淺淡
往年我們一次買五加侖分送親友, 百花蜜可治氣喘和過敏, 放在陰涼處 (不能放冰箱), 保存三年沒問題, 每天起床空腹一杯蜂蜜水 (涼開水或溫開水, 加一匙蜂蜜攪勻), 連喝三個月到半年, 即可改善免疫力 (期間儘量不要吃喝冰食), 分裝小瓶的蜂蜜, 一向是很受歡迎的生日或聖誕禮物
Videos of Goats are HERE 山羊錄影在此
Chinese Recipes are HERE 中西食譜在此
View of 4 Seasons is HERE 山中景觀在此
My art work (手工藝品)
New Video:
Happy jumps from the feeder in Pasture 4 and plays with me
Goats happily eat in the pipe feeder
Marta's little girl truly loves the alfalfa hay: buried her head into it
Shiko's daughter chews 2nd cut Alfalfa 小可女兒吃苜蓿草
2nd cut Alfalfa hay
The feeder that made with mapple tree branch
Goats eat Alfalfa hay
今年歐美很可能面臨經濟緊縮 (房地產和物價下跌, 二次大蕭條開始), 亞洲卻反向出現通貨膨脹 (可以賺亞洲錢幣, 來美國買房地產), 市面上民生必需品的消長已開始顯現
四年前開始養羊的時候, 羊兒身價和牧草緊俏昂貴, 一捆六七十磅的二割牧草 (顏色較綠, 蛋白質含量較高) 要 $7 美金, 還得用搶的, 去晚了, 就買不到好草料, 算起來養一頭羊, 單單牧草開銷, 一年就是 $400 (還不算其他副食品, 看病, 針藥, 水電, 人工, 羊屋等物價), 10 頭羊一年就是 $4000 伙食費
可經過房市股市經濟風暴, 失業率高居不下, 大家開始不買東西, 或轉向二手店, 跳蚤市場, 車庫拍賣等購物, 中小型牧場開始大量賣掉牛羊馬, 關閉牧場, 改種牧草, 以為比照顧牲口划算, 卻忽略如果多數人都不養牛羊馬, 則誰來買牧草的隱憂
(右圖顏色枯黃的是一割牧草, 綠色的是二割牧草: 草地上五六月左右長出被收割的叫一割草: 莖多葉少, 牛吃這個, 羊不吃, 只能用來給羊兒舖床用, 因為沒有施肥澆水, 只靠冬季雨水自然長出, 蛋白質不高, 草被割過一次後, 野草和小鳥小獸屍體形成的肥料, 加上牧場主人天天大量澆水, 和春天暖陽照射, 生長的叫二割牧草, 蛋白質含量較高, 葉片較一割草多, 但因為花費大量的水電費, 價格也貴, 有些牧場在二割後, 會在九月初三割牧草, 葉片更細嫩, 價錢也更貴, 前年開始因為汽油飆漲, 電費高, 已經不產三割了, 今年更過分, 連二割牧草都沒有, 只買得到苜蓿草)
去年就預估今年牧草價格會大跌, 果不其然, 才入六月, 沿途綿延百里, 都是一割牧草 (顏色枯黃), 七月初, 許多外市牧場就來電, 告知草料已收割, 希望我們去採購 (往年是我們去電要求幫忙保留牧草).
今年住處附近的牧場, 甚至有一捆 120 多磅, 品質極佳的苜宿草, 只要 $7 (去年價格的一半), 我們立刻去搬了 20 多捆回來, 不但樂壞羊兒 (錄影), 自己也省了一筆長途汽油費
蜂蜜則正好相反, 由於溫室暖化效應惡化太快, 今年直到六月, 還風風雨雨, 悽悽冷冷, 一天冬季, 一天炎夏的不穩定氣候, 讓蜜蜂傷亡甚巨, 山裡果園/菜圃幾乎不見峰蝶芳蹤, 果蔬成熟期延後, 蜂蜜减產, 就算跟多年熟識的蜂農親購, 也只能買到各一加侖的百花蜜 (左圖) 和藍莓蜜 (右圖), 想多買都沒有
百花蜜是蜜蜂採集各式野花釀成, 稱 Wild Flower Honey, 藍莓蜜則是藍莓園在四五月藍莓開花時, 跟蜂農租或借成百個蜂箱, 放在園內, 由蜜蜂傳播花粉, 所釀成的蜜, 色澤比百花蜜淺淡
往年我們一次買五加侖分送親友, 百花蜜可治氣喘和過敏, 放在陰涼處 (不能放冰箱), 保存三年沒問題, 每天起床空腹一杯蜂蜜水 (涼開水或溫開水, 加一匙蜂蜜攪勻), 連喝三個月到半年, 即可改善免疫力 (期間儘量不要吃喝冰食), 分裝小瓶的蜂蜜, 一向是很受歡迎的生日或聖誕禮物
Soy Milk and soy dish 豆漿與豆渣炒絞肉
Baby Goats Films are HERE 羊寶錄影在此
Videos of Goats are HERE 山羊錄影在此
Chinese Recipes are HERE 中西食譜在此
View of 4 Seasons is HERE 山中景觀在此
My art work (手工藝品)
I like fresh soy milk. The fresh, the better. Soy milk is a good choice to people who can't drink cow's milk.
1. Soak soy bean over night
2. pour out the water
3. Put soaked soy bean and fresh water (must cover beans) in blender
(the amount of water depends on how much milk you want to make)
4. Blend it with low speed till very fine
5. Pour the whole thing into Cheese cloth and squeeze it to a wok
(the left over of soy bean can be fried with ground meat or Bean Curd: Hard Tofu)
6. Boil the milk with open lid (add more water into the wok)
7. Turn down the heat after the milk is boiling
8. Take out the bubble that on the surface of the soup with a spoon
9. Add some sugar to the milk (suggest to drink it plain)
10. Pour milk to cups and keep the milk that you can't finish in refrigerator.
The leftover of soy milk can also been make a healthy and delicious dish.
1. Chop green onions, carrots,
bean curd (extra firm Tofu) or cabbage/vegetables you like
2 One spoon oil in the wok
3. Fry bean curd and carrots till soft
4. Mix with green onions, other vegetables and a little bit salt
5. Add left over soy milk and fry it until done
6. You can also make a non-vegetarian (meat) dish
7. Simply fry meat first, then vegetables, then left over of the soy milk
美國朋友問豆漿的做法. 如果可能, 豆漿儘量當天做, 當天喝完, 不放糖最好
1. 黃豆一杯泡過夜
2. 泡黃豆的水倒掉
3. 黃豆放進果汁機加水低速打細
(水量視你想做多少豆漿而定), 水至少要淹過黃豆
4. 將打細的豆汁倒進紗布袋中, 用手擠汁入鍋中
5. 加水, 大火將豆漿煮沸, 要看著, 以免豆漿逸出鍋外
6. 煮沸後關小火續煮
7. 用小湯匙將湯表面的泡沫撇出
8. 煮好的豆漿加糖 (建議喝不加糖的清漿)
9. 豆漿倒入碗或杯中趁熱喝
10. 當天喝不完的豆漿要放進冰箱
11. 豆渣可用來炒豆腐乾 (素食) 或絞肉
12. 方法是把蔥, 豆腐乾和所有蔬菜切丁 (加一點鹽在熱油裡)
13. 先炒豆腐乾和胡蘿蔔 (如果有肉, 就先把肉炒熟)
14. 香味出來後放蔬菜, 最後炒豆渣
15. 要炒到豆渣没黃豆腥味, 再起鍋
Videos of Goats are HERE 山羊錄影在此
Chinese Recipes are HERE 中西食譜在此
View of 4 Seasons is HERE 山中景觀在此
My art work (手工藝品)
I like fresh soy milk. The fresh, the better. Soy milk is a good choice to people who can't drink cow's milk.
1. Soak soy bean over night
2. pour out the water
3. Put soaked soy bean and fresh water (must cover beans) in blender
(the amount of water depends on how much milk you want to make)
4. Blend it with low speed till very fine
5. Pour the whole thing into Cheese cloth and squeeze it to a wok
(the left over of soy bean can be fried with ground meat or Bean Curd: Hard Tofu)
6. Boil the milk with open lid (add more water into the wok)
7. Turn down the heat after the milk is boiling
8. Take out the bubble that on the surface of the soup with a spoon
9. Add some sugar to the milk (suggest to drink it plain)
10. Pour milk to cups and keep the milk that you can't finish in refrigerator.
The leftover of soy milk can also been make a healthy and delicious dish.
1. Chop green onions, carrots,
bean curd (extra firm Tofu) or cabbage/vegetables you like
2 One spoon oil in the wok
3. Fry bean curd and carrots till soft
4. Mix with green onions, other vegetables and a little bit salt
5. Add left over soy milk and fry it until done
6. You can also make a non-vegetarian (meat) dish
7. Simply fry meat first, then vegetables, then left over of the soy milk
美國朋友問豆漿的做法. 如果可能, 豆漿儘量當天做, 當天喝完, 不放糖最好
1. 黃豆一杯泡過夜
2. 泡黃豆的水倒掉
3. 黃豆放進果汁機加水低速打細
(水量視你想做多少豆漿而定), 水至少要淹過黃豆
4. 將打細的豆汁倒進紗布袋中, 用手擠汁入鍋中
5. 加水, 大火將豆漿煮沸, 要看著, 以免豆漿逸出鍋外
6. 煮沸後關小火續煮
7. 用小湯匙將湯表面的泡沫撇出
8. 煮好的豆漿加糖 (建議喝不加糖的清漿)
9. 豆漿倒入碗或杯中趁熱喝
10. 當天喝不完的豆漿要放進冰箱
11. 豆渣可用來炒豆腐乾 (素食) 或絞肉
12. 方法是把蔥, 豆腐乾和所有蔬菜切丁 (加一點鹽在熱油裡)
13. 先炒豆腐乾和胡蘿蔔 (如果有肉, 就先把肉炒熟)
14. 香味出來後放蔬菜, 最後炒豆渣
15. 要炒到豆渣没黃豆腥味, 再起鍋