
Bamboo: black and gold 紫竹和金竹

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05/27/2015 快滿一歲的竹籬


Bamboo, newly planted 06/02/2014

雖喜歡竹子, 但城裡院子不如山裡寬敞, 竹子長起來容易侵犯到鄰居, 因此選竹做圍籬時很慎重, 

特選適合當地冬天氣溫, 能吃竹筍, 又長得高直美觀, 能幫臥室遮陽, 擁有隱私的紫竹 (Phyllostachys Nigra "Black") 和金竹 (Phyllostachys Vivax "Aureolsulcata"). 

才三個月, 在細心呵護, 注意土壤養分和充足水分後, 就不斷抽新芽, 長高. 


由於長高得太快, 母根不夠粗壯, 春風春雨吹打得東倒西歪, 

因此用其他果樹的枝條, 或圍籬當柱子, 幫他扶正, 以免自幼亂長, 林相不佳.

冬天比較不擔心水分, 但夏天就要多灌水, 否則枯死得很快, 
幼竹需要多照顧, 長大後就比較少操心, 

跟孩子一樣, 寧花時間在他小時候的行為習慣養成上, 以後就越養越省心, 

竹子多長成一叢叢, 互相扶持, 新竹想長歪都難, 所謂 "竹生叢中, 不扶自直". 環境重要, 家庭的養成才是善根

05/15/2015 金竹發了許多粗根, 前庭幼竹也長高了




17 則留言:

  1. Hi! Cathy,
    Can you tell me the English name of your purple and golden bamboo? Thank you.

  2. Thank you for reminding. I have already added official name of each bamboo in the article and here is the site you can buy bamboo from:

  3. Those two kinds of bamboos will grow VERY tall. You need to consider your place BEFORE you plant them. The black bamboo is used to make Chinese bamboo flute. There is a folk song: Purple bamboo flute tune 紫竹調 is about it. Please let me know if you want to know how to plant it. It is not hard. However, they need LOTS of water before they grow up as an adult.

  4. Hi! Cathy,
    Do you know the English name for 綠竹筍? Is it possible to grow it in the US? I is in season now in Taiwan.
    By the way I will mail the seeds to you today.


  5. Hi! Cathy,
    I planted one bamboo last winter, but I forgot what kind is it. My friend went back to Washington last July, and she picked up one for me and two for herself. I was doing research about bamboo last year. I found this place http://www.bamboogarden.com/ it is in Oregon. If you have time you can check it out. They have a lot more varieties of bamboo selections. Their price is good too.


  6. I remember When I research about planting bamboo, neither 綠竹筍 (Oldham bamboo shoot) nor 桂竹筍 (Makino bamboo shoot)can grow up my state well. They need more humid and wet place. However, you can go to http://www.lewisbamboo.com/Rare_Bamboo.html, ask them questions. They have a page of bamboo grow geography. Some species will fit your zone while others can't. They are good at answer your question.

    Thank you for the seeds. We are looking forward to receiving them.

  7. I will check the link you mentioned here. Thank you for the info. Usually, I check local company to buy seeds and/or plants. However, I also concern customer service and knowledge they have. Some owners answer questions quick while others ignore me more than one month (after I have already bought from out of state company :-)

    The company I bought bamboo from just happened to have a wonderful sale price (plus free shipping) that other companies couldn't compete. They answered my questions in 3 minutes and pack bamboos very well. Those bamboos grow wonderfully and healthily since I bought them.

  8. Hi, Phyllis:

    One question for you: do you know where I can buy 金桂花 online? Americans all have 銀桂花 (白色花瓣)only but not golden blossom 桂花. I know California has lots of 金桂花 but no nursery sell them. I have two 銀桂花 in front yard but want another two 金桂花 to make 桂花蜜. Thanks

  9. Sorry, I do not know but I will ask my friends. I never have 桂花蜜 before. Did you make 桂花蜜 in Taiwan before?
    Can 桂花 grow in zone 6? If it could I would like to plant some.


  10. 桂花蜜是作桂花湯園和酒釀桂花的材料, 很容易, 糖加(金)黃桂花即可, 以前常做酒釀, 用來早上煮荷包蛋, 對身體的血液循環很有幫助, 湯裡就可以加桂花蜜, 增加香氣, 這裡可以種金桂花, 只是買不到小樹苗, 在 LA 的親友家家院裡都有金桂花, 但都太大株了, 無法挖起運送移植, 因為是買屋時院裡本有的, 因此都不知道當初屋主從哪裡買來的,一定要金黃色的桂花來釀, 白桂花聽說有苦味, 且不夠香

  11. zoning 只是一個概念而已, 就算在同一個州,同個 county, 也有氣溫濕度和緯度的差異, 例如山居海平面368度, 城裡卻比山居地勢低, 雖然只距離 35 分鐘車程, 竹子在城裡種得很成功, 長得快又高, 山裡卻始終長不好, 山裡四季如春, 雨水充沛, 空間充足, 土壤肥沃, 城裡乾熱少雨, 土壤和空間都遠不及山居環境, 但這些竹子在城裡反而長得壯又高, 可能它們是 city girls 吧,因此朋友種得好的植物, 自己仍須根據自身情況, 稍做調整

  12. Hi! Cathy,
    Can you write an article about 酒釀? What is the benefit of eating 酒釀? How to make 酒釀?


  13. Hi, Phyllis,

    Yes, I can write about sweet fermented rice. However, you may need to wait for a while 通常要等全部做好才發文, 做酒釀要看氣候, 天暖, 就釀的時間短 天涼, 就得多等幾天, 這幾天很冷, 要等下週才熱, 不過我會在釀好, 拍完全部圖片後登出, 多謝建議

  14. Hi! Cathy,
    My friend gave me some nurseries(in Tucson) to call but they only have the white blossom kind. Did you tried to graft the 金桂花 onto 銀桂花? Since your relatives have 金桂花, you could try it.

    P.S. how are the sweet potato leaves? Did they survive?

  15. I know they only have 銀桂花. I have done research a year ago. No, I don't want to graft the 金桂花 onto 銀桂花. The sweet potato sprout very well. Lots of them. I planted them in the garden of my city house. Don't have space for them here this summer. Too many things need to plant.

  16. 天氣仍涼, 室內溫度華氏68-72, 沒暖氣設備, 酒釀還沒好, 可能得抱著它睡覺, 還得等幾天喔

  17. about making 酒釀:

