Since goat meat has less cholesterol and fat than other meat, I rarely cook beef or pork at home. However, some friends asked about a simple recipe for beef. This beef tomato sauce can be served with either rice or noodle for 4 people.
Mix one pound of stew size beef with 1/2 cup of cooking/rice wine, 1 TBSP salt, 2 TBSP chopped ginger root, 1 cup well washed and chopped green onions, and 1 TSP baking soda. Marinade for 20 minutes.
Put 2 cups of peanut oil in a sauce pan, heat with low heat, pour marinaded beef in the pan, keep the oil warm but not hot, stir it until the color of the beef changes. This Chinese cooking process is called "cook with warm oil". Use a colander to drain off the oil from the beef (the oil can be saved and used to fry other dishes). Use the same sauce pan to cook 2 chopped tomatos till soft (don't put any oil in the pan), add beef with tomatoes and stir them together.
Add a cup of water and 6 TBSP tomato sauce (or a 6 oz can of tomato paste) in the pan. Stew it till the sauce is thick and the beef is cooked (use fork or chopsticks to puncture the beef. It is done if the folk can go through the meat easily). Serve it with rice or noodle.
平時很少在家裡做牛肉或豬肉的菜色,多半是吃鮭魚、雞肉或山羊肉。山羊肉其實是肉類中最健康的一種,它的膽固醇和脂肪甚至比多數的魚類還低 (綿羊肉不同,它的脂肪含量較高)。但美國朋友希望我能示範一道中菜西吃的牛肉食譜,於是今天做了蕃茄牛肉燴飯/麵。當然又是經過我簡化,而且所有調味料都是在美國任何超市都買得到的啦。
先把半杯米酒,一湯匙鹽,一茶匙小蘇打粉 (儘量不要用嫩肉精一類化學添加物,有人說加可樂的嫩肉效果更好,你可以試試看用可樂取代蘇打粉),三根蔥 (切末,蔥管切半洗乾淨,裡面常藏有泥沙或蟲蛋),一小塊生薑(切末),和切成小塊的一磅牛肉 (剔除肥肉部分),用大碗拌勻,醃 20 分鐘備用。兩個蕃茄切小塊。
另外準備一杯水,6 湯匙 (或 6 oz 罐頭) 蕃茄醬。
用一小湯鍋,把兩杯花生油用小火燒溫 (不能熱),然後把醃好的牛肉塊倒入,一直翻拌,至變成咖啡色,立刻用篩網濾出,這叫 "過冷油"。濾出的油以後可用來炒菜,不必倒掉。
用剛才過冷油的同一個小鍋炒蕃茄至軟 (不必放油),加入剛才半熟的牛肉,用中火一同翻炒,快熟時 (用筷子或叉子戳牛肉塊,若能輕易刺透,即代表肉熟),加一杯水和6 湯匙蕃茄醬燉一下,湯濃稠時即可關火,澆在飯或麵上趁熱吃。
2 則留言:
Dear 大學之道:
因為平時很忙, 所以儘量自己研究改變食譜, 讓食物容易做又好吃