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Videos 免費公益影片: My email is in the description under each film
可用真指甲彈古箏嗎? Could we play Guzheng with real fingernails?
改變命運和成功的關鍵: 明師 The key to Changing Destiny & Success: A Wisdom Master
2024 獨門秘訣影片: 想看此系列影片者, 請 email, 在每部公益影片下方描述欄裡
07/05 如何讓音樂好聽的兩個重要因素: 節奏和律動
07/26 想買琴, 又怕買到不是自己想要的品質, 怎麼辦?
08/02 如何雙手合彈, 同時順利視譜?
08/09 學古箏或音樂常問疑難和解答
08/16 如何看旋律走向和跨小節線分樂句 (樂曲分析示範)
Bonus Lesson: Which instrument is suitable for you to learn?
09/06 該彈練習曲? 還是只彈喜歡的流行歌? 如何銜接? Should beginners play etudes? Or just play their favorite pop songs? How to bridge the transition period?
10/25 古箏的座椅和姿勢如何影響健康和學習速度
11/01 該精練一曲? 還是一次練多支曲子?
11/08 如何有效修正自己, 達到老師要求的 SOP
11/15 你選擇的學習風格如何影響進度和音樂性?
12/15 專心學一樣樂器? 還是同時學兩三樣樂器?
12/22 一天練多久琴? 一萬小時能練好嗎?
2025 獨門影片:
01/03 音樂耳: 如何培養高級精深音樂鑑賞耳力
01/17 古箏雙手合彈技巧大揭密: 讓你的演奏更上層樓
01/24 增進雙手協調控制力和靈活度的10分鐘練習
4/25 為何要背譜? Why do we need to memorize the music?
贈片: 分析樂譜, 幫助容易背譜範例 (項斯華每日必彈練習四)
5/16 找了一對一老師, 但感覺只是找到陪練, 每堂課得到的資訊很少, 怎麼辦?
The one-on-one teacher is like a partner, how can I get more info in a lesson?
5/23 讓流行歌旋律更動聽的左手伴奏 + 樂曲範例
The left-hand accompaniment chords of pop songs + music demo
6/6 甚麼是可帶走的能力? 如何訓練? What are takeaway abilities? How to train them?
6/12 初學音樂者必看:為何該避免買初級樂器
Why should music beginners not buy entry-level instruments?
6/20 如何把一支曲子分成最小單位, 有效練習?
How to divide a piece of music into the smallest units and practice it effectively?
6/27 如何在初學第一個月內掌握你的第一首歌曲?
How to master your first song in the first month?
7/4 讓你的音樂表現像專業一樣出色的 5 個秘密 5 secrets performing like a Pro
7/11 何時該開始練雙手合彈? 如何練雙手合彈?
When should start to learn both hands together and how to practice it?
7/18 如何在音樂裡做自己? 縮短和音樂的距離
How to be yourself in music, to shorten the distance between you and music?
7/25 甚麼是基本練習曲的學習步驟 How to practice etudes step by step?
贈片: 只狂練喜歡的曲目, 不訓練其他能力好嗎?
Bonus Lesson: Is it OK to just practice favorite songs but not train other abilities?
8/1 為何左右手合不起來? Why left hand can't coordinate with the right hand?
8/8 快速掌握視譜的兩個技巧 2 tips for quickly mastering sight-reading
8/15 古箏左手伴奏分解和弦進行 Guzheng left-hand accompaniment chord progression
8/22 為何基礎功重要? 屬於"自己"的基礎功是甚麼? 基礎功的有效練習法?
Why are basic skills important? What is YOUR basic practice? What is the effective strategy?
贈片 Bonus lesson: 四點指法 4-point skill
你學音樂的成就感從哪裡來? 老師和別人的稱讚? 還是自己的實質進步?
Where does your sense of accomplishment in learning music come from? Praise from teachers and others?
How to tell if a teacher has experience in teaching music?
為何你不會背譜? Why is it so hard for you to memorize a song?
How do the left and right hands correspond to each other when playing chords?
為何很努力學了多年, 進步仍很慢, 或持續不前? Why is my progress
still slow or stagnant although I have studied and practiced so hard for many years?
天賦對學音樂重要嗎? Is talent important for learning music?
雙手合彈關鍵第一步: 讓左手與右手完美同步的秘訣
How to synchronize your left hand & right hand perfectly?