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Please scroll down to the bottom for more films, and student homework
探清水河 (照花台) Exploring the Clear Water River (Beijing Ballad)
瀏陽河 (1973 唐璧光曲, 史兆元改編) Liu-Yang River
(Biguang Tang composed, Zhaoyuan Shi arranged in 1973)
Guzheng Music Videos 古箏音樂影片:
瀏陽河 Liuyang River (朱立奇, 唐璧光曲, 史兆元改編 1973)
(Biguang Tang composed, Zhaoyuan Shi arranged)
清江放排 Rafting Canal
洪湖水浪打浪 The Lapping Waves of Lake Honghu
喜洋洋 (劉明沅 山西民歌賣膏藥 1958) Beaming with Joy (02/03/24)
花好月圓 (1927) Blooming Flowers & Full Moon
春天在哪裡? (兒歌) Where is Spring?
你到底有幾個好妹妹? (入門版)
快樂的囉唆 (大撮練習 私課) Happy Song
項斯華每日必彈 Daily Fingering Etude:
Grade 1 第一級:
滑梯 Slide Etude 4
小開手 Henan Style Basic Song
隴東小調 East Loess Plateau Tune
孟姜女 Ex3: Lady Menjiang
學生作業 Ex4: 彎彎的河水 Meandering River (Fa Ti)
小星星講解 (周望編曲)
繡金匾 Embroider a Golden Plaque
河南八板 (天下大同) Great Unity
勞動最光榮 Labor is the Honor
南泥灣 Nanni Bay
Lessons of High Mountain Floating Water (Zhe-Jiang)
梅花三弄 Three Variations of Plum Blossom
延邊之歌 Song of Yan Bian
高山流水 (河南箏曲) High Mountain Floating Water (Henan Style)
Lessons: High Mountain Henan Style Measure 1-4; M5-8; M16-22, M29-End
山丹丹花開紅豔豔 Glowing Red Morning Star Lilies
洞庭新歌 Song of Dong-Ting Lake
洞庭新歌 講解示範 (林玲) Song of Dong-Ting Lake Lesson
瑤族舞曲 Yao People Dance
雲慶 Yun Qing
繡荷包 Embroidered Pouch
春到拉薩 Spring to Lhasa
慶豐年 Celebrating a Fruitful Year
花兒與少年 Flower and Youth
花兒與少年 講解 (林玲) Flower & Youth Lesson
蕉窗夜雨 Raining Night on Banana Panel
高山流水 (山東箏曲) High Mountain Floating Water (Shandong)
幸福渠 Happiness Canal
春澗流泉 Spring Stream
Chanty of Wusuli River 烏蘇里船歌 (台灣七級)
雪山春曉 Spring Dawn of Snowing mountain
茉莉芬芳 The Fragrance of Jasmine
陳杏元和番 The Arranged Marriage of Xinyuan Chen
伊犁河畔 Erie Riverside
寒鴨戲水 Crow's Sporting in Chilly Water
將軍令 講解示範 (林玲) A General Order Lesson
黔中賦 (徐曉林曲 1987) Ode to Guizhou
黔中賦 (林玲講解示範) Ode to Guizhou
學生作業 Student Homework (10/20/24)
12/5/24 滑梯 (一級, 雙手小撮) Slide (grade 1)
12/5/24 車輪 (二級, 套指) Wheel (grade 2)
12/5/24 小螃蟹 The Little Crab
1/15/25 青梅竹馬 Childhood Sweetheart
2/26 孟姜女 (二級) Lady Meng-Jiang (grade 2)
2/19 秦淮景 Love of Qinhuai
3/5 知道不知道 Do you know how much I love you?
3/12 聖誕快樂 Wish you a Merry Christmas
學生作業 Student Homework (10/28/23)
Student Homework 學生作業 (06/06/2022):
考級一 Grade 1: 練習二按滑音 Etude 2 Portamento
項斯華每日必彈 Daily Fingering Etude
來生願做一朵蓮 Wish Being a Lotus Next Life (Sliding Tone)
私課錄影 Private Lesson Videos:
項斯華每日必彈 Daily Fingering Etude:
私課: 指法技巧和樂曲示範錄影
Private Lesson Videos: Fingering skill and music demo
Both Hands Da Cuo: Jasmine Flower 雙手大撮齊奏示範: 茉莉花