Baby goats challenge climbing the apple tree
羊寶梅樂莉 (3個月大) 愛爬蘋果樹吃水果和樹葉
Am I too short? 我太矮了嗎?
Pumpkin drops her head 小南瓜睡到頭掉下來
Silly Pumpkin 傻姑娘想睡在坡上, 卻一直滑下來
Twin boys of Cerah 莎莎的兩個頑皮兒子
Daisy asks for attention after she stopped goats butting head
領頭羊黛西勸架後, 撒嬌邀功
The best bed and playground in the world
媽媽的背, 是最棒的床
Every part of mom is useful 媽媽的頭角真好用
Panda and Joy play on the sand mountain 潘潘和依依在沙山上玩耍
Joy doesn't like the noise 依依不喜歡機械聲, 好可愛的奶娃抗議
The 3 weeks old twins challenge 2.5 months old Cherry (purebred boar) and 2 years old Ruby
Help, Mom 蘋果小寶被母雞擋住房門岀不去, 急得喊媽媽
The little girl plays with my jacket 小羊玩我的夾克
Cherry plays my hat 櫻桃小丸子玩我的帽子
Angel (2 weeks old) enjoys the afternoon nap under the warm Spring sun
Our buck: Kiko goat 所有寶寶們的爸爸: 貓熊
Goats eat carrots 羊兒吃胡蘿蔔
Robin sings in the foggy morning 知更鳥在晨霧中高唱
Back Yard Bio-charcoal 自製木炭
Homemade food recipes 中西食譜
My Chickens 雞兒錄影
My Goats 山羊
Property Development 買山容易養山難
Third generation baby goats 第三代羊寶
Fourth-generation baby goats 第四代羊寶
My Art Works 手工藝品