Videos of goats and chickens 羊寶錄影
Chickens 雞
Voice of goats 山羊的叫聲
Goat feed 山羊愛吃的食物
Books and Movies Review 讀書和電影心得
Back Yard Bio-Charcoal 自製木炭
Recipes 中西食譜
Edible Garden 可食庭園
Property Development 買山容易養山難
Videos 短片:
Grind Hooker Corn Mill for tortilla 磨紫玉米粉做麵餅
½ cup Hooker Corn flour mix with ½ cup buckwheat flour
½ cup water
½ TSP salt
½ TSP baking powder
Knead to a dough, divide it to 8 small dough balls,
Cover those balls with a big bowl for half hour
Roll to flate cake
Heat flat pan to medium-hot heat with butter
Fry both sides until it is done
紫玉米豐收, 決定學印地安人做成麵餅. 先用手搖磨豆機磨成麵粉狀, 磨兩次, 才夠細.
接著混和半杯紫玉米粉, 半杯蕎麥粉, 半杯水, 半茶匙鹽和泡打粉, 揉成麵糰, 再分成 8 個小麵糰, 用大碗蓋住半小時發酵, 擀成麵皮.
平底鍋放奶油, 中火熱鍋, 放入麵皮, 兩面煎熟即可