
酪梨雞蛋馬鈴薯沙拉 Avocado, egg and potato salad

Guqin Music & Lessons 古琴音樂與教學

山居很忙, 所以日常飲食都儘量快速簡單營養, 不動用烤箱微波爐等電器, 這道酪梨雞蛋馬鈴薯沙拉很好做, 而且可根據人口和場合增減, 例如要參加 potluck 就加些堅果碎粒,自己吃就簡單些, 愛吃蛋的多加顆蛋, 愛吃細膩一點的就多倒些橄欖油, 容易調整個人口味 
Daily life is busy in the woods. So, my meals are as easy, fast, simple, and nutritious as possible. I do not use ovens, microwaves, and other appliances. This avocado, egg, and potato salad is easy to make. It can be added anything according to the occasion and family members. For example, if you want to participate in the potluck, add some chopped nuts. If you like eggs, add more eggs. Pour more olive oil if you like the potato smoother. It’s easy to adjust your personal taste.

二人份食材: Ingredients for two

4 粒帶殼水煮蛋, 顆酪梨, 兩個馬鈴薯, 冷壓初榨橄欖油 (黃油butter亦可

Four boiled eggs,  two avocados, two potatoes, cold press virgin olive oil

作法: Making:

1. 水煮蛋煮好, 剝皮, Boiled eggs and peeled

2. 酪梨切半 (種子可用兩根牙籤插上, 圓頭根部朝下, 尖頭芽點朝上, 放塑膠水杯裡, 加水到快蓋過尖頭, 每天加水或換水, 就能變成植栽, 長到根莖葉都夠壯實後, 天暖時, 移種到戶外, 慢慢長成樹
Cut avocado into half. Seeds can be inserted with two toothpicks, with the round end of the root facing down and the tip of the bud facing upward. Put it in a plastic water cup. Add water until it almost covers the top. Add or change the water every day, and it will become a plant and grow to the rhizome. After the leaves are strong enough, transplant them outdoors when the weather is warm. It will slowly grow into a tree.

3. 馬鈴薯削皮, 洗淨, 切大塊, 放冷水裡, 煮到大滾後, 滾兩分鐘, 關火, 用餘溫 (省電) 燜到鍋子不燙手 (約20分鐘), 此時馬鈴薯塊已軟, 溫度又剛好 

Peel the potatoes, wash and cut them into large pieces. Put them in COLD water. boil them until they boil. keep boiling for another 2 minutes. Turn off the heat and simmer them with the remaining heat until the pot is no longer hot

4. 把水煮蛋和酪梨放大碗裡, 壓碎拌勻 
Put boiled eggs and avocado into a big boil. Press and mix them

5. 加還滾燙的馬鈴薯塊入酪梨雞蛋大碗, 壓泥拌勻 

Add hot potato pieces, press, and mix them with eggs and avocado

6. 加入橄欖油, 全部拌勻, 開吃 
add olive oil and mix all of them well. Eat when it is warm