Videos of goats and chickens 羊寶和雞寶錄影
Goat feed 山羊愛吃的食物
Back Yard Bio-Charcoal 自製木炭
Home made food recipes 中西食譜
Property Development 買山容易養山難
Art Works 手工藝品
Laminate Log House 小木屋
中文閱讀心得 (共 70 篇)
Hubbard Squash (Left), Kakai (Right, Hull-less seed pumpkin)
No herbicides and no pesticides
左圖是硬殼大頭南瓜, 右圖是產無殼南瓜子的南瓜
Videos 錄影:
Goats eat Squash Stem 羊寶吃大瓜莖葉
Goats eat pumpkin leaves 羊寶吃南瓜葉
Panda eats squash leaves 潘潘吃南瓜葉
Cherry eats pumpkin stem 櫻桃小丸子母女吃南瓜莖葉
Goats eat squash 羊寶吃南瓜
Panda loves squash 潘潘吃南瓜
Squash 和 Pumpkin 皆屬南瓜家族, 雖然長像不同, 但吃起來風味近似
園裡種的南瓜 Pumpkin 分兩種, 一種專門取南瓜籽, 不吃肉, 南瓜籽只曬乾, 當零食吃, 也可以炒乾, 加點鹽, 我們的南瓜籽是無殼的, 祖傳, 年年留種, 大又飽滿, 秋冬才能收成. 過去常送種子給鄰居和朋友, 但奇怪的是他們都懶得自種, 可惜了這買都買不到的種子,
朋友送過一個日本南瓜, 非常綿甜, 也留了種, 年年播下
山裡的蔬果都不灑農藥, 也隨便動物自取, 因此常見被啄幾口的蘋果梨子落滿地,
南瓜則是他們的大餐, 慢慢啃咬, 大個頭的瓜, 可以讓他們吃幾週吧
Squash 南瓜是綠色的, 就算摘下, 也可以放過一個冬天,
果皮非常堅硬, 要用大刀劈開, 普通菜刀砍不動
由於可以長成好幾個頭那麼大, 很重, 多半躺在地上長
瓜葉可以蔓延幾十公尺, 長成一大片, 十分佔空間,
也可以搭瓜棚, 讓它們站著長, 跟長長的豆子做鄰居
瓜藤會自己伸展, 長到小徑上是常事,
走路就得小心繞道, 別踩傷了瓜藤和葉子, 影響寶寶瓜的發育
瓜兒長速驚人, 似乎前天還是寶寶, 隔天就成巨人了
雞和羊都愛吃瓜, 羊寶還愛空心多汁的南瓜莖梗, 嚼得喀喀響, 好像吃甘蔗, 葉子其實有毛毛的刺, 不過山羊連野黑莓和葉子如刀片的箭羊薊 (Thistle) 都不怕了, 這點細毛刺算甚麼
12/12/12 南瓜甜美營養, 是羊寶最好的當令點心,
硬皮的南瓜可以放在露臺幾個月不壞, 每隔一天切一顆給羊寶換口味,可以吃整個冬天
它們鬼靈精怪, 聽到切瓜的聲音, 就聚在高坡, 監看我們準備, 直到我提著大桶倒滿它們的食槽,
南瓜皮硬, 必須切成小塊, 以免它們噎到喉嚨.
揀選洗淨飽滿的瓜子, 留做明年的種籽, 其餘則攤平在火爐上烤乾, 當做自己的零食, 再小的籽籽, 就連瓜肉一團團的餵羊寶, 那可是珍饈, 大家搶著吃呢
11 則留言:
Hi! Cathy
Can you tell me the name of the hull-less pumpkin? I would like to plant it. I live in northeast part of Arizona. Thank you. Happy year.
Phyllis Donnelly.
Hi, It's Kakai. You can search seed companies that near where you live. Please let us know if there is any other questions.
Hi! Cathy,
I looked at some online seed companies, I can only find one( that sell hull-less pumpkin seeds. The problem is the company sold out all of their hull-less pumpkin seeds(Lady Godiva and Kakai). The seed stores around where I live does not carry hull-less pumpkin seeds. I guess I will have to wait till to restock their seeds. Anyway, thank you for your information. Happy New Year.
Phyllis Donnelly.
Hi, Phyllis,
Spring and summer will be the right season start the seed anyway. Yes, you can ask the online company when they will have the seeds. Or, you can contact us around May and we will see what we can do. Happy New Year.
Hi! Cathy,
I usually start to look for seeds around this time of the year and place order. I think I will contact seed companies and see when will they have more kakai seeds in stock before April. I was talking to a professor of agriculture yesterday. He told me that Kakai seeds is very popular now because some gardening tv shows and gardening magazines are promoting it. I will let you know what the seed companies say about restocking it before April. Thank you for sharing gardening information on your blog. I really enjoy it.
Phyllis Donnelly.
Hi! Cathy,
I think you might like is article
Hi, Phillis:
Glad you enjoy our blog. We save good crop seeds every year and give to neighbors and friends. There is no herbicides and no pesticides.
We made our compose with river sand, chicken/goat poop, and garden soil. We seldom buy vegetable or fruit in store but just eat what we plant. They have much more flavor than that in supermarket.
My husband said he could send you 5 Kakai seeds from this year harvest and 25 seeds from last year (they are still good). You can email me the address.
By the way, do you read traditional Chinese? Or you use google to translate my blog? The translation sometimes are lousy. Hope it doesn't cause any misunderstanding.
Please let us know if you like to have some seeds from us and I will mail them to you for FREE.
Hi, Phyllis:
If you want us to send you seeds, please leave a single comment with your name and email address only. I will not publish the comment but delete it. And then, you will get my email. You can provide your mailing address through my personal email.
Do NOT post your address here. Thanks.
Hi! Cathy,
I can read traditional Chinese. I have friends who like natural farming and practice permaculture. I am still learning about gardening, especially compose. Why do you use river sand in your compose?
I envy you that you can grow so many kind of fruits in your area. Have a nice day.
Hi, Phyllis:
Wow, you must be very educated. Not many people can read traditional Chinese. Although there are several Mainland Chinese people in my town, they even can't read simplify Chinese well, no mention tradition Chinese. Where did you learn it? Or, you are a Chinese with an American name (just like me :-)
Please check your email. I will send the seeds to you as soon as I got your reply (through email).
Hi, Phyllis,
We don't use river sand intentionally. It just available to us. We live above a big river (river view) and surrounded by trees. We put river sand in goat barn and chicken coop's ground. So, the manure (bedding) hay become part of compose (and garden soil). Very nutrition. My chickens and goats are free range. They search their own food. Enough exercise and healthy. Food is all over our place: blackberry, poison oak, sword fern, fallen oak, fir tree leaves, orchard grass, weeds, wild peas and so on.