Voice of goats 山羊的叫聲
Goat feed 山羊愛吃的食物
Back Yard Bio-Charcoal 自製木炭
Homemade food recipes 中西食譜
Edible Garden 可食庭園
Property Development 買山容易養山難
Art Works 手工藝品
Laminate Log House 小木屋
Books and Movies Review 讀書和電影心得
To what extent
might biochar affect soil nutrient levels, soil moisture, seed
germination, growth rate, yield, plant health, and plant nutrient
levels? This template suggests a trial design, set of procedures, and
a record sheet to provide data in answer to the question above.
Details, like plot size or plant species, can be modified to
accommodate a variety of applications. The Record Sheet, page 3, must
be kept current for reliable results. Start with recording the
beginning date, the date the plots are dug, raked, weeded, and soil
Design and Procedures:
This template will assume five plots, each 2'x2' within individual 2”x6” wood frames set into the soil about 4 ½ inches. Plots, A, B, C, D, and E, are to be laid out conveniently in a row in an area of uniform soil.
The plots will be soil tested separately and if the soil tests show large differences in soil composition then another area should be chosen for the trial. The plots will be dug up with a digging fork, raked, thoroughly weeded, and evenly mixed with the rake before the soil samples for the soil tests are taken.
The soil samples, from the top 6” of soil, should be taken and packaged according to the directions of the Lab which will do the testing.
The plot area should be protected by fencing adequate to the location. Plot screens may be required prior to any suspected insect problems. Two useful options are a rain gauge and a min-max thermometer set up at the location.
This template will use Logan Labs in Ohio (loganlabs.com) for the soil tests. If the results of the soil tests reflect uniform soil, then use the most average test to get a fertilizer prescription from the software at growabundant.com. The Logan Labs results fit right into the software form at Grow Abundant. Mix enough fertilizer to fertilize plots B,C, D, and E, each plot exactly the same. Be careful not to fertilize plot A.
Have on hand the three biochars to be used for this trial and enough seed for three rows in each of the five plots—in this case, one lettuce variety well suited to your area, all seeds from the same package of seed. For each plot, the amount of biochar is 1 lb, mixed in evenly over the 4 square feet to a depth of 4 inches.
Plot A This is
the control plot, no fertilizer added, and no biochar amended.
Plot B This plot
is similar to plot A but will have fertilizer added, no biochar.
Plot C This plot
is the same as B, except that biochar one will be added.
Plot D This plot
is also the same as B, except that biochar two will be added.
Plot E This plot
is also the same as B, except that biochar three will be added.
Date 2, mix the
fertilizer and rake the determined amount into each plot, except plot
A. Evenly rake biochar one into plot C, biochar two into plot D, and
biochar three into plot E. Repeat weeding as necessary. Water each
plot with exactly the same measured amount of water, unless the soil
is wet with rain. Hand water with a gentle spray watering can.
Date 3, seed ¼”
to ½“ deep in three evenly spaced rows, seeds 1” apart, each
plot the same. Count out and record the exact number of seeds sown for
each bed. (Necessary to calculate germ %) Water as necessary but
be careful not to float the seed.
Date 4, germination, first seedlings appear, wait 7-10 days for full germination.
Date 5, count
seedlings for each bed, calculate and record germination percentages,
record on the record sheet, water as needed but each plot the same.
Date 6, when
plants are about 3” tall, thin to about 6” apart, water uniformly
if needed, at about Date 6 or 7, (30 days) take 2nd
moisture level reading.
Date 7, at about
6”-7” in height, rank plots 1 to 5 in growth rate, (5 is best),
record on sheet.
Date 8, harvest
and weigh crop for each plot when judged at best harvest size and
condition, record weights on the record sheet. (Dates 5 through 8 will
vary some between plots, this will not affect Record Sheet) Take the last
moisture reading after harvest.
Optional: send in
plant tissue samples to the lab for comparative plant nutrient levels.
Record in the last column on Record Sheet.
Date 9, after all, harvesting is complete, take second soil samples and send them into Lab.
Record results on the Record Sheet for both sets of soil tests. Complete
Record Sheet. Make observations. Draw conclusions. If desired, make
data available to other gardeners.
Notes: For
increased reliability repeat the trial at the same location and
through the same time period. The trial timeline can be usefully
extended into several seasons. Soil micro-life tests could also be
added to the trial.
Plot Frame diagram:
Three rows of
green plants; the brown mix of soil, fertilizer, and biochar; and yellow
board frame.
The inside dimensions
of the frame are 2 feet by 2 feet, 4 square feet of garden area. All five
plots are set up as illustrated.
The five plots are set up in a row, for convenience and uniform sun exposure, but not more than a foot apart. The soil mixture (brown) is what changes from plot to plot.

The five plots are set up in a row, for convenience and uniform sun exposure, but not more than a foot apart. The soil mixture (brown) is what changes from plot to plot.

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