
酪梨雞蛋馬鈴薯沙拉 Avocado, egg and potato salad

Guqin Music & Lessons 古琴音樂與教學

山居很忙, 所以日常飲食都儘量快速簡單營養, 不動用烤箱微波爐等電器, 這道酪梨雞蛋馬鈴薯沙拉很好做, 而且可根據人口和場合增減, 例如要參加 potluck 就加些堅果碎粒,自己吃就簡單些, 愛吃蛋的多加顆蛋, 愛吃細膩一點的就多倒些橄欖油, 容易調整個人口味 
Daily life is busy in the woods. So, my meals are as easy, fast, simple, and nutritious as possible. I do not use ovens, microwaves, and other appliances. This avocado, egg, and potato salad is easy to make. It can be added anything according to the occasion and family members. For example, if you want to participate in the potluck, add some chopped nuts. If you like eggs, add more eggs. Pour more olive oil if you like the potato smoother. It’s easy to adjust your personal taste.

二人份食材: Ingredients for two

4 粒帶殼水煮蛋, 顆酪梨, 兩個馬鈴薯, 冷壓初榨橄欖油 (黃油butter亦可

Four boiled eggs,  two avocado, two potatos, butter or a cold press virgin olive oil

作法: Making:

1. 水煮蛋煮好, 剝皮, Boiled eggs and peeled

2. 酪梨切半 (種子可用兩根牙籤插上, 圓頭根部朝下, 尖頭芽點朝上, 放塑膠水杯裡, 加水到快蓋過尖頭, 每天加水或換水, 就能變成植栽, 長到根莖葉都夠壯實後, 天暖時, 移種到戶外, 慢慢長成樹
Cut avocado to half. Seeds can be inserted with two toothpicks, with the round end of the root facing down and the tip of the bud facing upward. Put it in a plastic water cup. Add water until it almost covers the top. Add or change the water every day, and it will become a plant and grow to the rhizome. After the leaves are strong enough, transplant them outdoors when the weather is warm. It will slowly grow into a tree.

3. 馬鈴薯削皮, 洗淨, 切大塊, 放冷水裡, 煮到大滾後, 滾兩分鐘, 關火, 用餘溫 (省電) 燜到鍋子不燙手 (約20分鐘), 此時馬鈴薯塊已軟, 溫度又剛好 

Peel the potatoes, wash and cut them into large pieces. Put them in COLD water. boil them until they boil. keep boiling for another 2 minutes. Turn off the heat and simmer them with the remaining heat until the pot is no longer hot

4. 把水煮蛋和酪梨放大碗裡, 壓碎拌勻 
Put boiled eggs and avocado into a big boil. Press and mix them

5. 加還滾燙的馬鈴薯塊入酪梨雞蛋大碗, 壓泥拌勻 

Add hot potato pieces, press, and mix them with eggs and avocado

6. 加入橄欖油, 全部拌勻, 開吃 
add olive oil and mix all of them well. Eat when it is warm


古箏師資培訓 Guzheng Teacher Training Workshops

: 傳承中外音樂教學法, 和多項不同專業人生經歷, 教你如何指導各類學生, 理論與實踐並重, 增加多元收入來源, 讓愛好轉型為第二現金流, 實現財富自由

Purpose: Share Chinese and foreign music teaching strategies, 
enrich professional life experiences, 
teach you how to guide various types of students, 
pay equal attention to theory and practice, 
increase diversified sources of income, 
transform your hobby into a second cash flow, 
achieve financial freedom

報名 sign up: email 給老師或助理 amanda2016becker@gmail.com 

領取免費報名表, 填寫後寄回審核, 一對一網路上課

email me or the assistant to get a free application form, 

fill it out, and return it for review. Online teaching one-on-one

人數: 由於老師時間和精力有限, 一梯次最多收五名,

錯過的須待有學員結業空出名額, 但就算這次未通過審核

也會在你報名後, 告知你的優勢, 和如何配合專業, 變現技能. 

Number of enrollment: Due to my limited time and energy, 
a maximum of five people can be accepted for each term, 
You need to wait till someone graduated to fit in if you miss this time.
However, even if you didn’t get enroll the training this time, 
I will advise you how to improve, use it on your career 
to creat more cash flow

結業時長: 無限定, 隨時可開始教學生, 不須老師認證. 我只是引導者

Length of graduation: No required learning terms

no teacher certification required, 

I am simply leading you how to teach

參加資格: 任何程度皆可, 包括初學

Eligibility: Any level, including beginners

正在教學生者, 可立即實施教法在你學生身上, 將你的教學疑難提出

預約諮詢解答, 無須定期上課

已有基礎或考級證照者 3-6 個月, 請不要換現在的老師, 因我教的是教學法

初學者 8 個月到 3 年, 視學習情況而定, 若有自信, 可邊學邊教, 不必經我同意

因教學相長, 想把別人教會, 自己必須更好

一個好老師, 通常也是個好學生, 最低限度可教自己

因此初學者來上教學法最明智, 從一開始就知道要避免那些錯誤

不須花時間改正錯誤, 學習更有效率

If you are already teaching students, you can immediately apply 
the teaching method on your students. You can ask your teaching questions 
and have them answered by making an appointment for consultation. 
There is no need to attend regular classes.
People who already have grade exam certificates 
may need approximately 3-6 months.
Please do NOT change your current teacher,
because I teach how to teach your student but not fingering skills.
Beginners need 8 months to 3 years, depending on the learning progress. 
If you are confident, you can teach while learning without my consent, 
because teaching and learning are benefit each other. 
If you want to teach others, you must be better yourself. 
A good teacher usually is also a good student. 
You can at least teach yourself. 
So it is wisest for beginners to come to this training. 
You will know the mistakes in advance to avoid from the beginning, 
and do not need to spend time correcting them. You will learn more efficiently.

教材: 已有教材者, 以你的教材為準, 因為大概率你在教學時, 會教那本課本和指法, 想多學其他教材, 或沒有教材者, 由我提供, 所有我提供的樂曲, 或練習曲皆免費

Teaching material or textbook: If you already have a textbook, please use your textbook, because most likely you will use it to teach. If you want to learn more from other materials, or if you don’t have a textbook, I will provide it for free.

教學內容: 不僅教你了解如何教各類型學生技巧, 樂理, 編曲, 節奏, 相關樂曲背景, 更有如何運用古箏在你的職業上, 展開多種業務模式

Teaching Content: It not only teaches you how to teach various types of students, music theory, rhythm, the related music background, to arrange/editing pop song, but how to use guzheng in your career to develop a variety cash flow

教學不是只教技巧, 而在發掘有趣的靈魂.


追不到夢想就創造一個, 為自己勇敢一次.

不要錯過機會, 儘早領取報名表. 參加審核, 只有 5 個名額

Teaching is not just about teaching skills,

but about discovering interesting souls.

Change is not all at once, but for a while; 
growth is not for a while, but for a lifetime !!! 
If you can't chase your dream, create one. 
Be brave for yourself. Don't miss the opportunity. 
Get the free application form to sign up & take evaluation as early as possible.


古箏獨門秘笈 Guzheng Music Magic

©2024 Catherine Kerns all rights reserved.
For private students only. 
Please do NOT download or copy. Thank you.
供私人學生用, 版權所有, 請勿下載, 謝謝
Videos 免費公益影片: My email is in the description under each film
古箏的天龍八部 Why share teaching strategy?
Rhythm: The surprise impact on health & long life

2024 獨門秘訣影片: 想看此系列影片者, 請 email 註冊, 聯絡資訊在每部公益影片下方描述欄裡

2025 獨門影片:
8/8 耳力: 從古箏獨奏, 重奏, 協奏到合奏的耳力訓練法
Musical Ears: Ear training from solo, duet, concerto to concert
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How to master your first song in the first month?
9/19 如何快速視奏
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10/10 如何把一支曲子分成最小單位, 有效練習? 
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10/24 彈好古箏五訣竅 5 tips of playing Guzheng well
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11/14 何你不會背譜? Why is it so hard for you to memorize a song?
11/21 如何練快板? How to play Allegro?
11/28 何時該開始練雙手合彈? 如何練雙手合彈?
When should start to learn both hands together and how to practice it?
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The left-hand accompaniment chords of pop songs + music demo

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12/19 為何基礎功重要? 屬於"自己"的基礎功是甚麼? 
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贈片: 雙手合彈關鍵第一步: 讓左手與右手完美同步的秘訣
How to synchronize your left hand & right hand perfectly?

古箏左手伴奏分解和弦進行 Guzheng left-hand accompaniment chord progression
How do the left and right hands correspond to each other when playing chords?
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Where does your sense of accomplishment in learning music come from? Praise from teachers and others? 
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只狂練喜歡的曲目, 不訓練其他能力好嗎? 
Is it OK to just practice favorite songs but not train other abilities?
為何很努力學了多年, 進步仍很慢, 或持續不前? Why is my progress 
still slow or stagnant although I have studied and practiced so hard for many years?
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如何在音樂裡做自己, 縮短和音樂的距離
How to be yourself in music, to shorten the distance between you and music?
為何左右手合不起來? Why left hand can't coordinate with the right hand?