
古箏獨門秘笈 Guzheng Music Magic

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Videos 免費公益影片: My email is in the description under each film

2024 獨門秘訣影片: 想看此系列影片者, 請 email 註冊, 聯絡資訊在每部公益影片下方描述欄裡

2025 獨門影片:

12/5  快速掌握視譜的兩個技巧 2 tips for quickly mastering sight-reading
12/12 讓你的音樂表現像專業一樣出色的 5 個秘密 5 secrets performing like a Pro
12/19 甚麼是可帶走的能力? 如何訓練? What are takeaway abilities? How to train them?
12/26 每天該練甚麼才能有效進步? What daily exercise can have effective progress?
贈片: 雙手合彈關鍵第一步: 讓左手與右手完美同步的秘訣
How to synchronize your left hand & right hand perfectly?

慢練的魔力: 一音一世界 The Magic of Slow Practice: One Note, One Universe
只狂練喜歡的曲目, 不訓練其他能力好嗎? 
Is it OK to just practice favorite songs but not train other abilities?
別把興趣錯當熱情 Don't Mistake Interest for Passion
Why should music beginners not buy entry-level instruments?
為何基礎功重要? 屬於"自己"的基礎功是甚麼? 
Why are basic skills important? What is YOUR basic practice? What is the effective strategy?
How to master your first song in the first month?
天賦, 對學音樂重要嗎? Is talent important for learning music?
彈好古箏五訣竅 5 tips on playing Guzheng well
Rhythm: The surprise impact on health & long life
如何把一支曲子分成最小單位, 有效練習? 
How to divide a piece of music into the smallest units and practice it effectively?
你學音樂的成就感從哪裡來? 老師和別人的稱讚? 還是自己的實質進步?
Where does your sense of accomplishment in learning music come from? Praise from teachers and others?
練好搖指的五個秘訣 5 Tips of learning tremolo well
耳力: 從古箏獨奏, 重奏, 協奏到合奏的耳力訓練法
Musical Ears: Ear training from solo, duet, concerto to concert
古箏左手伴奏分解和弦進行 Guzheng left-hand accompaniment chord progression
How do the left and right hands correspond to each other when playing chords?
如何快速視譜? How to sight-read quickly?
為何很努力學了多年, 進步仍很慢, 或持續不前? Why is my progress 
still slow or stagnant although I have studied and practiced so hard for many years?
如何訓練天賦? How to train your talent?
彈琴時如何正確呼吸 How to breathe correctly when you playing music?
甚麼是基本練習曲的學習步驟 How to practice etudes step by step?
如何在音樂裡做自己, 縮短和音樂的距離
How to be yourself in music, to shorten the distance between you and music?
為何左右手合不起來? Why left hand can't coordinate with the right hand?