
Farmers Market in Taiwan 傳統市場

Hand made Water Ram 自製水力幫浦
Videos of goats and chickens 羊寶和雞寶錄影
Goat feed 山羊愛吃的食物
Back Yard Bio-Charcoal 自製木炭
Home made food recipes
Property Development 買山容易養山難

Art Works 手工藝品
Laminate Log House 小木屋
中文閱讀心得 (共 70 篇)

Apple Mango (Red) and Banana Mango (Yellow) 蘋果芒果與香蕉芒果

Beans and Asparagus 各色豆子與蘆筍

Papaya and Mushroom 木瓜與菇類

Pineapples 鳳梨

Watermelon and Young Ginger Root 西瓜與嫩薑

Corn 玉米

Apple and Bitter melon 蘋果與苦瓜

Trapa Bicornis 菱角

Durian and Lotus Seed 榴槤與蓮子

Dragon Horn vegetable and Chayote Vine 龍角與龍鬚菜

Lee Chi and Guava 荔枝與芭樂

Chicken and Sea food 雞和海鮮

Dioscorea Opposita 山藥

Dioscorea Opposita and Green Bristlegrass Herb 山藥和狗尾草

菜市場風光除了各色生鮮蔬果外, 旁邊巷弄也是春色無邊

縱然居處狹窄, 仍設法臨空掛上許多盆栽
, 增加綠意

小小的庭院竟能塞下這麼多植物, 仍不顯擁擠


自家院裡種不夠, 延伸到街旁, 讓路人同享主人的心意
