Videos of goats and chickens 羊寶和雞寶錄影
Goat feed 山羊愛吃的食物
Back Yard Bio-Charcoal 自製木炭
Home made food recipes 中西食譜
Property Development 買山容易養山難
Art Works 手工藝品
Laminate Log House 小木屋
中文閱讀心得 (共 70 篇)
Coat the bottom of baking pan (11x10) with oil
remove stems of 20 mushroom
pre-heat oven 375 F for 10 minutes
5 spoon bread powder
Shred 2 spoon Parmesan cheese
Chop parsley (one spoon) and 4 cloves of garlic to fine
One tea spoon lemon juice and lemon skin
2 spoon olive oil
a little bit salt and black pepper
Mix the stuffing together
Loosely put mixed stuffing in each mushroom
Bake 15 minutes
底部抹點油的 11x10 烤盤一個 (不要抹太多, 蘑菇會軟掉)
20 個蘑菇, 拔出蒂 (蒂可切片或切丁, 炒其它的菜)
5 大匙粗麵包粉 (麵包放乾, 手剝碎, 增加酥脆感),
刨約 2 大匙 Parmesan 硬起司 (鹹鮮口味)
一匙香菜切細末 (增加顏色與香味)
4 瓣大蒜切細末 (不吃蒜者可略, 增加香味)
兩滴檸檬汁, 刨一點檸檬皮 (香味)
鹽一小匙, 黑胡椒少許
橄欖油 2 匙
將內餡拌勻, 鬆鬆的塞入蘑菇內部, 不要壓緊, 才會鬆脆
蘑菇本身會出水, 而且會縮小
小烤箱預熱 10 分鐘 (375 華氏, 180 攝氏)
蘑菇烤盤放入烤箱, 烤約 15 分鐘