Chinese recipes 中西食譜
106 F today. It is time for honey drink.
Honey Tea is my favorite summer drink. I used to buy several kinds of honey every year. For instance, poison oak and maple honey, blackberry honey, blueberry honey, wild flower honey and so on. They are like red wines with different flavors.
It is easy to make a honey drink. Just take 3 TBSP of honey, put in a 1 quart pitcher, add some cool water, stir it until it mixes evenly. Then add more water. Leave it in the refrigerator. Use more honey if you like it sweeter.
Another kind of drink I used to have in summer is almond/walnuts tea. It is not really a tea but more like almond/walnuts milk.
The ingredients are:
one cup almonds (or walnuts), 5 cups water, 5 cups milk, 1/2 cup sugar and 1 cup melted butter.
Blend almond and water together in a blender. Skim off the chunks with a strainer and put back in the blender, several times until all the nuts are a fine powder. Use a sauce pan to heat milk and cream to a boil. Pour almond water in the boiling milk and keep boiling until they melt together well. Add sugar. Leave it till cool.
今天氣溫高達華氏 106 度,約等於攝氏 35 度,蜂蜜水和西瓜當然是夏天最好的消暑水果和飲料啦。這裡的西瓜絕對比不上台灣,不是太沙,就是太白。
雖說山羊祖先來自沙漠,理當不怕炎夏高溫,但經人類世代飼養的奶山羊,就是和野生的 Kiko 不同。
Kiko 毫不在乎,照樣在草坡上吃草,我們只要留意隨時添滿水桶裡的涼水即可,瑪琪塔和糖糖就不同了,一直喘氣,尤其瑪琪塔,自小被娘家媽媽去掉能幫助調節體溫的頭角,一到天氣太冷或太熱,她就受罪了,我只好親自端一盆涼水餵它喝。才早上 10 點左右,就都躲到陰涼處,直到晚上六七點才會露臉了。
蜂蜜水很簡單。用一個大玻璃瓶,將 3 大湯匙的蜂蜜,與一點涼水拌勻,再把瓶子加滿冷水即可。
杏仁 (或核桃) 與液體的比例是 1:10。換句話說,如果你用一杯的杏仁,就要用 10 杯的液體 (五杯牛奶,五杯水) 去處理。因此,這裡先用一杯的杏仁和五杯的水,倒入果汁機打碎,每打一分鐘停一下,再開開關打一分鐘,一次不要打太久,機器容易損壞。可以分批打,打好後,用篩網加紗布過濾,把不夠細的杏仁放回果汁機重打,直到成為很細的粉末。
另外用一個鍋子,煮五杯的牛奶,煮滾後把剛才打好的杏仁水倒入,繼續煮,再滾後加一杯溶化的鮮奶油和半杯糖 (甜度視個人口味增減),若覺得杏仁味道不夠濃,則可加一滴杏仁露 (若喜歡天然健康的,則可省)。趁熱與油條一起食用,或像我一樣直接當奶喝,放冰箱冰過亦可。
Giant Zuchini "小" 黃瓜
Cold Dish and Millet 涼拌花生與小米粥
Chinese recipes 中西食譜
I often think about finding ways to make cooking simpler, easier and healthier. The following cold dish is one of them.
The ingredients are:
3 TBSP white wine/rice vinegar (or lemon juice), 2 TBSP dark brown sugar, sprinkle some salt, 2 TBSP sesame oil (or virgin olive oil), 2TBSP cooking or rice wine, garlic or hot pepper (add each to your own taste),
Cut a cucumber (and a red/orange sweet pepper, half Walla Walla Onion, some radishes) into halves, take out seeds and cut halves to small square pieces. Smash garlic. Mix these with ingredients above. It will taste better if you leave the dish in the refrigerator overnight.
Peanuts can be added to this cold dish. The way to prepare peanuts is:
Soak two cups of raw peanuts with skin overnight, pour out water, put them in a big bowl, steam peanuts in rice cooker (no water in the bowl and add one cup of water in the cooker). Leave cooked peanuts in the cooker (don't open the cover) for another 20 minutes after the cooker shuts off. The peanuts will be just right, not too hard or too soft. You can also use a sauce pan to boil the peanuts if you don't have a rice cooker.
Add cooked peanuts to the cold dish above.
(Friends ask about the rice cooker I use. It is made in Taiwan and has two colors: green or red. The brand name is "Da Tong". This is so far the only multi function rice cooker which can be used to cook rice, boil, steam, stew, fry meat/vegetable and even make bread/cake. It is not made in HK, China, Japan or Korean although they all are called rice cooker. The picture is as follows).
This cold dish can be served with millet. I used to call millet "bird rice" since I fed my birds with it in childhood. Millet is a nutritious food and can be grown on poor soil.
Use double the amount of water than what you use to cook regular rice. Millet can be eaten hot or cold. It is also a good companion dish with green onion flat bread or Chinese dumplings.
做法十分簡單: 小黃瓜 (保留綠皮)/甜椒去子切段,2 湯匙麻油與米酒、3 湯匙醋 (或檸檬汁) 與黑糖、少許鹽、大蒜、辣椒 (隨自己口味酌量) 拌勻即可,也可以加花生,營養更高。
兩杯的帶皮花生泡一夜 (皮上營養豐富不要搓掉),濾乾,裝在大碗內放電鍋蒸,碗內不放水,外鍋放一杯水,跳鍋後不要開蓋,讓它悶 20 分鐘左右,軟硬度應該就會剛好,若喜歡吃軟的,就再加一杯水,同法再蒸一次,和剛才拌好的小黃瓜加在一起即可。(電鍋是用台灣製的大同電鍋,可煮飯,蒸,炒,燉肉/蔬菜,甚至做蛋糕麵包,其他電鍋皆無此多功能)
I often think about finding ways to make cooking simpler, easier and healthier. The following cold dish is one of them.
The ingredients are:
3 TBSP white wine/rice vinegar (or lemon juice), 2 TBSP dark brown sugar, sprinkle some salt, 2 TBSP sesame oil (or virgin olive oil), 2TBSP cooking or rice wine, garlic or hot pepper (add each to your own taste),
Cut a cucumber (and a red/orange sweet pepper, half Walla Walla Onion, some radishes) into halves, take out seeds and cut halves to small square pieces. Smash garlic. Mix these with ingredients above. It will taste better if you leave the dish in the refrigerator overnight.
Peanuts can be added to this cold dish. The way to prepare peanuts is:
Soak two cups of raw peanuts with skin overnight, pour out water, put them in a big bowl, steam peanuts in rice cooker (no water in the bowl and add one cup of water in the cooker). Leave cooked peanuts in the cooker (don't open the cover) for another 20 minutes after the cooker shuts off. The peanuts will be just right, not too hard or too soft. You can also use a sauce pan to boil the peanuts if you don't have a rice cooker.
Add cooked peanuts to the cold dish above.
(Friends ask about the rice cooker I use. It is made in Taiwan and has two colors: green or red. The brand name is "Da Tong". This is so far the only multi function rice cooker which can be used to cook rice, boil, steam, stew, fry meat/vegetable and even make bread/cake. It is not made in HK, China, Japan or Korean although they all are called rice cooker. The picture is as follows).
This cold dish can be served with millet. I used to call millet "bird rice" since I fed my birds with it in childhood. Millet is a nutritious food and can be grown on poor soil.
Use double the amount of water than what you use to cook regular rice. Millet can be eaten hot or cold. It is also a good companion dish with green onion flat bread or Chinese dumplings.
做法十分簡單: 小黃瓜 (保留綠皮)/甜椒去子切段,2 湯匙麻油與米酒、3 湯匙醋 (或檸檬汁) 與黑糖、少許鹽、大蒜、辣椒 (隨自己口味酌量) 拌勻即可,也可以加花生,營養更高。
兩杯的帶皮花生泡一夜 (皮上營養豐富不要搓掉),濾乾,裝在大碗內放電鍋蒸,碗內不放水,外鍋放一杯水,跳鍋後不要開蓋,讓它悶 20 分鐘左右,軟硬度應該就會剛好,若喜歡吃軟的,就再加一杯水,同法再蒸一次,和剛才拌好的小黃瓜加在一起即可。(電鍋是用台灣製的大同電鍋,可煮飯,蒸,炒,燉肉/蔬菜,甚至做蛋糕麵包,其他電鍋皆無此多功能)
疏果 Thin Fruit
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每年夏天,此地都平均有三天的高溫,今年的第一次發生在國慶日前一天,溫度驟跳到 100 度,但是慶典當天反而氣候宜人,不冷不熱、不雨不暑、涼風習習,才 70 度左右;接著一星期都是這種好天氣,中間還下了兩天大雨,補給了乾熱大地充裕的水分,讓蔬果以驚人的速度生長。
去大城裡據說開了 28 年很有名的父子檔餐廳,報紙說有法國、韓國、墨西哥菜。唉,結果韓菜是泡菜 (老闆兒子乾脆招認那不是真的韓菜),法國菜其實是義大利蕃茄肉丸麵,我們就點了它最出名的漢堡。喔,就這樣呀,價錢還不便宜耶,將近 50 大元,老實說,自己在家同樣搞一下,肯定本錢不要 $1,還比他好吃,早知去那家正統的墨西哥餐廳。不過當然不能跟出錢的人抱怨啦。幸好甜點還可以,黑巧克力蛋糕滿純正的,不過八塊美金還是有被敲詐的感覺,那位寫報導的記者不知是不是沒吃過中國美食,還是因為敬老,才如此吹捧。台灣人真該來這裡開店的。
每年夏天,此地都平均有三天的高溫,今年的第一次發生在國慶日前一天,溫度驟跳到 100 度,但是慶典當天反而氣候宜人,不冷不熱、不雨不暑、涼風習習,才 70 度左右;接著一星期都是這種好天氣,中間還下了兩天大雨,補給了乾熱大地充裕的水分,讓蔬果以驚人的速度生長。
去大城裡據說開了 28 年很有名的父子檔餐廳,報紙說有法國、韓國、墨西哥菜。唉,結果韓菜是泡菜 (老闆兒子乾脆招認那不是真的韓菜),法國菜其實是義大利蕃茄肉丸麵,我們就點了它最出名的漢堡。喔,就這樣呀,價錢還不便宜耶,將近 50 大元,老實說,自己在家同樣搞一下,肯定本錢不要 $1,還比他好吃,早知去那家正統的墨西哥餐廳。不過當然不能跟出錢的人抱怨啦。幸好甜點還可以,黑巧克力蛋糕滿純正的,不過八塊美金還是有被敲詐的感覺,那位寫報導的記者不知是不是沒吃過中國美食,還是因為敬老,才如此吹捧。台灣人真該來這裡開店的。
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