Videos of goats and chickens 羊寶和雞寶錄影
Chickens 雞
Voice of goats 山羊的叫聲
Goat feed 山羊愛吃的食物
Back Yard Bio-Charcoal 自製木炭
Recipes 中西食譜
Edible Garden 可食庭園
Property Development 買山容易養山難
Books and Movies Review 讀書和電影心得
The difference between Chinese Chive and Green Onion is Chinese Chive has garlic flavor and flat leave while onion has hollow stem.
韭菜 Allium Tuberosum 易栽種, 繁殖快速, 是越剪長越快的常用蔬菜, 與其他香草寄居在香草園中,
和青蔥比鄰. 韭菜葉呈扁平, 而青蔥莖葉滾圓中空.
韭菜有強烈獨特香味, 因此用來炒蛋, 涼拌豆腐, 做餃子餡, 都能讓它發揮所長.
當吃膩了平淡的生菜, 清蒸馬鈴薯, 韭菜蛋炒飯即成宮宴.
韭菜切碎, 加入打好的蛋液裡,
鍋燒熱, 放油, 油熱後倒入韭菜蛋液, 炒至半熟,
加入飯, 關火, 用餘溫炒至熱, 即可上桌